OFFICE op OnbssIven, Aug. 21. -Royal Regiment of:Artillery-Gentlemen Cadets to be Second Lieuts.-F. G. Bayley, vice Tyler, prosnoted,;, Harris. Vice Slnarl, promoted; 0. -Carr, vice Leonard, prinnotml; ll..W1E,riSCO. vice Eden, promoted ; W. G. Martin, vice Ogilvie, promoted; 1'. 11. Sandilands, vice Newholt, promoted; W. J. "Hall, vice Mahon, promoted ; P. Eden, vice Stirling,,, promoted ;. C. D. Gilmour, vice Carey, promoted; E. J. Ward, lice Strange, promoted ; A. D. Burna- by, vice F. Lyon; promoted;' W. E. E. Ellis, vice. Taylor, prOmoted; C. G. Loud, vice Lobgley, promoted; 11. A. D. de ,Visrnes, vicelieate, promoted. Corps of novel Eng-ineers- Gentlemen Cadeta to, be ,Secend Lieuts. with tem- porary rank-6: Darrah,• %lee GreatOres, .deeeasectt■JJ P., Maquay, I ice. Lennox, promoted I It. 'N. Dawson, vice Leahy; promoted; "J.- 11,..Mennikere viva. Wand. pro- Moted ; E. 0. Hewett, vice Baynes, promoted.; F..Mould,vioe,1.4Gallais promoted ; C. P. Carey, vice Durnford, promoted; W. lit: GoSSet,AiterFraner, promoted; WAre-orFren/Aug.23,-To be Eneignn hrntiechase,-.1st gegt. of ,Foot-It. 11. Ca- ton, Gent.; J. A. Cumming, Gent. 3d Foot-B..1. Celdecett, Gent. • Otis-Fact-
O. Foot-
O. Obit,' Gent. 7th Foot==-E.4; Disneys..Gertt.. Butland, Gent.
J. Stevenson!'G nt. 56th Foot*T. Elttlbrn.Gelett • 57111,FoOt-r1,,S,41O-dig Ge"nt dute;h'i;oOtit.e.P.V'earuelara".e; KS; Life- 6 metle-,,,F 'IT. Buckland Gent t_.„o: kw these maminalia, it whose, production the Prophet'S'PrOhilA- A-esisAtR.--Lrg.HvicAeull•C55n11.-ori,'pRreolLt- oefdtil•tlid' 41-r•DramlCalards. Coldstrelittl'Eleg_ t--- -(-;e1..;nteitgno bI.ilineastty to, be Lieut, by purechand, vice /Tayler).,whOl rttises; -C. E. Hope, Capt. by -purchase, vibe, GratiVille-,( hrfhosevromotitat ■byttpdrobasee•On,IAng. 40181 'You enter from the nave passing a façade which is not a literal repr-o- son. Gent. 17th Foot-F. Z. S. Dtetr, lett?: A. Utterson, Gent. 2 18th Foot— E. laker, ,:Gebt. ; 11:0.41jniour; Gent:l 6atli.,Focit-r4ii-4.14Purner, Gent.
, R. we , Gent. Ride P. C. Gljpni lobe'-Lieut. without ,1archanth,84c11,1?oot.-elineage4v,b5eltandto be Lieut. tryptirehase; vice 3. 0-Amlereon; livliotietiresla,...,AdiricatolGontattrbe)Ensign, lay put', vienlIntiv '138th :You'd- jt',i0 Erisigismbp4eurvIVilco,Gityner,,pron1,, 41561root- Lieut.-H.-Rawl/olds beoeant.,,byl P wettest: viceatied1100..41. Ale diliier enters, who .retites; Ensign.LLs-Stirling.edibm.LietitIlbygeurcllasetAlon.Rowlet*g1 A., W. Thyone;.6ent. td ho Eireiltilily rubrdhasei,vactiktiriiog5i1043diesot-PlAS8 Hon. W. II. -1Ietbert• to be .LiEurt.dbytimrcliaiel.reictifAYedlrarl, -wiroxeriteseettetifi Foot-Quatterdeaster J ,GartMail, it 4ia1fsParyo3du1fttbtei5o eben1',aytnaetern55IO5 Ocruaran,. *lib, retires- upon •bale-pily....1149thiFinite.111 limn several Gent.i-AONIR Ensign; by ettechas; vicoltopitinkiptotnoned thethrilobnviEnsigodDLAYsallit,h1G He o Eieut:,114.1.ntrblitts.viazvEobertsgadid,oetireen.n.laorkintli,B. a: 1.-Thetwynd tiiiimEnsign,lbrotircliaso;viem011ulte.an5IsBFooter.-_E,t.hieiBeresf_sta Gthit; t&be. Ensign; by ptireliaso,,;vice!.Goddbrdli Enoln-aretent,L,.intin, Wtnshe d'ehitbeetten, 'to' be tLient: 'by puretuiSerwide Warren, i ;; 4z,11PIter 1QeetsleA GentIlOtbelltnri rehnse,viceitPutrtheltem%'. tiliele,EobtAiGaph,JA,..hAlatdetiiabis piwt. . . . lilicataSe; . • .1.1 t. FoonfaLidutz KG/ (beWellVesey,:tdobe Adjutant...NO -abmbie, promoti -74t114,botusign/G.18,1•13hrkertshoillientokylpiirthaseijefrOe utenehou se, oven retirewv,Albel iStlinglianiAoht .,-MMbibEntignitht ponentooMiee .Blatte:,, 90th Fridt-tErisigh .,Wittialn,doluSilbaute.et0 heo aii!tu ralass o -Vaugilan,..Promottid John IllosbuiP-bitinni,GebiL“tolotedihstugln, Beerat :Liens: AV tjr' lifinnotoelL. ,9711rEolab-nEttbW D. A,4%Grbger not ellatintChy4ureleassi4lionalibe, yaribtarmvh, Ankiteit Nv,0,64* Oates, Gent. to be Ensigni,byrfluictiitserweeht .4.,s 4 aledeaeluitt ch,traiiltoptchnoieth, v.,b;nol ,-Mr.l.inT ;hag n03.110119)1 , ra4rusfl
Cape Mounted Riflemen -Ensign W. H. Gill to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Whitmore, promoted in the 62d Foot. School of Musketry at, Ilythe -Sergeant J. 31`1ay, from , the 19th, Foot, to be Quartermaster, with the rank of En.ign.
Staff-Purveyor tothe Fritcea'al, •Wi,eford to be Purveyor-in-Chief to the Forces serving in Turkey, with the relatin rank .of 3Iajor, while on employed, Brevet-Col. T. F. Strapgways„ of the Royal Artillery, to be Brigadier-Gen. with local rank, while employed on a special service in Turkey ; Capt. A. Macdonald, of the 68th Foot, to be 51ajor in the Army ; Brevet Major A.: Macdonald, of the 68th . Foot, to be Lieut.-Col.. in the Army. Memoranda-Tbe eppointment of Neterdiary, Sing. .1. Constant. from half-pay of the 5th Drag. Guards, to be Vet. Surer. of the Cavalry Depot at Newbridge, has been cancelled. The first Christian name of Ensign Grimston, of the 93d Foot, is Rol- land, and not Holland, as previimely Stated: The surname of :the Gent- Cadet up- pointed to the 21st Foot, on 10th Aug. 18.54, is II °Hedy, awl not Holloway.