• - Tuesday, AvustV. • PARTNERSHIPS ,DISSOLTED.-Tully and Co. Rio Janeiro-Barnes and Seabrook, RodeSwell Road. SlePtley, naptha-reetifiers -Hays and Kelly, New Barford, Notting- ham, drapers-Parkes and Baker, Lyduey, engineers-Earle and Mel-lett, Parliament Street, contieetore" Led and Chandler; Switiden, drapeta L-Sprague, Lillington Street, Vauxhall 'Bridge Road, Creaey, St. Andrew's Terrace, Vauxhall Bridge Road, and Pudding, Charlton Street, Fitr.roy Square, builders; as far as regards J. Sprague- Holland andTeshach, Clerkenwell Green, surgeons -Roberts and Fisher, Grace- church Street, confectioners-The ‘.'inery Patent Brick, Tile,- and Coal Company; King's Norton, Worcestershire-Miley and Co. Warwick Street, Regent Street, tallors•-trimentig-sellers; as far as regards W. hold-Metcalf and Hudson, Roth- maltetersCrozerrand Smart. Alnwick,brcwers-Sanderson mid Reid, Gresham Street, eilk-inaunfacturers-Poeschmenn and Tischer, Liverpool, Commission-mer- chants -flumplitis and Kent, Liverpeol, butcheraHepworth and Dotterill, Gosport, contractora-Bigland and Co. Liverpool, brokers-Gregory and Co. Frame Selwood, carcl-makera-Emary andel:load. Hastings and St. Leonard's, Sussex, fly-masters- . Low and. llornblower, Illichfriars Road. chemists -Minns and Hare, Spalding,
chemists-Cronin and Watson, Glesgose, furnishing irontiongers. •
BANKRUPTCIES AwNtrunn.-jAmies I/Ane4., Borough Road, engineer-Fnuounrcx MILLER,- Newport, Essex, corn-merchant-Wnman PILLING, Manchester, 111114ICall, BANERVPTS.-JoitN 31'CALLA and ALEXANDER FOTHERINGHAM, Ft iday Street, warehousemen, to surrender Aug. 30, Sept. 27: solicitor, 31 inray, London Street, Fenehtirch Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-6E00e5 and James PRINCE: Regent Street,- nine-merchants, Aug. 30, Sept- 27 : solicitor, Chidley. Gres-. hain Street; - .official essignee,• Stansfeld, Baain&sall Streeet -ElieNEZEIL If elleeTait and Co. Graceehurch Street, ship-owners, Aug: ao. Sept. 27: solicitors, Lawrence and CO. Old Jewry Chardiers; official 'assignee; Graham, Coleman Street -Geonan flairmoxo, Eing,'s ROW, Walworth, carpenter, Aug. .30, Sept. 27 : solicitor, Robin- son. Ilimmonger :Lade; official sesiguee, Stanofeld, Baeinghall Street -CliAILLSS BENRY TEOMAN and ,JosieeEvAtis Tecm.1.8, Great Tower. Street, provision-merL clients, Sept. 7, Oct. p : selieitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basingh611 Street-Saari:Er. Iletireier •Etres jun. Stock-Ex- change, dealer in steeke; Seint. 2, 30: solicitor, Cady, Hatton Garden ; official as,- siguee, Carman, Alderinasibory-Titomaie Marx, Albert Street, Walworth, engineer, 2, 0nt.2 : selicitor„Ainte. Thoreliill Square, 1 sliagton ; official. assignee,"Whit- more, Basingh.11 Streei-LIICTIene Bkeen,' Birmingham, flour-dealer, Sept. 4, Oct.' Is solicitor, Baketelfirallegharn ;--offitiadeisSienee, .Chrietie. Birmingliam-.11Emar IVIrsoy, Old SwincloneNpiltsliire, 'grocer; Sept. 5, Oct. 3: solicitor.eellaiiies.ainl Son„. Farringdon, Berkshire: :Bevan and _Girling. Bristol; official aesignee, ...Acraman, Bristol-BENJAMIN SMITH/ Y,orkehire, worstedipinner, Sept. 5, Oct. 3 : solicitors, Taylor, BradfiAll; Blackburn, Ldeds ; official:assignee, Hope, Leeds - AtETANDEIL Sairrze, Liverponi,,nletaitant; Sept. 4, 27 : solicitors, Duncan and Co. Liverpool ; official:asSignee, Catenary Larerpool-lIuuu. BROWS, Liverpool,rner.. chant, Sept. 1; 29: solicitors, Harvey and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool..
'DIVIDENDS.-Sept. 15, Boycot, KidderMideter,.draper--Oct. 5; Bowrin, Walsall; currier. .
CERTIFICATES.-TO be granted, unless eansebe shown to the contrary, on the day of fle,,eliog.-Sept. 14," Bray, Chelmsford, -anchircetSept. 13, Clements, St...Helen's], Lancashire, grocer-Oct. 12. J. and .1; Billineham,Cradleyheath, Staffordshire, chain- Ina k eve-Oct. 12; Atlaini,i Longton, Staffordshire, china-manufacturer. .DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDHNIi6.--NICE/in, WORSTMUL1111.011, ironmnnger ;!first.div. of Pittlestoi, Bisinitugblsin.iCot, Neweastlf,tinder4,yme, brewer; ,final die.. of 314.; Bittleston, 13innliigharw-Turnet, Neweastle=upon-Tyue,. collieryeyiewer ;. third shy- of 7d. in addition to 30. previously declared, any Saturday after Ort...7 ;
Baker, Ne weastic-opon-Tyne.. .. • .-Scoecer Seavesenkiroes.-Noble, Edinburgh,- tavermkeeper, Sept: 6-3I'ZIair,. Glasgbw. liotelkeePer, Aug. 28.
Friday, August 25. • • •
PARTNERSHIPS 'DISSOLVE-D.-Walls rind Sendai!, tekfieldo grocers-Richardson and -.Whitworth, Matiellester,,iagents-J. and G. Littiewood, AiniondburY, fancy unirittfactitrers--.Clark and. /looker, Woolavington, dt,snea tanners -Elvery and- KiOrnen; Islington Green-47410orlin*Se and COI Stockport,' doubters 11.iley and Co. Fountain Mill.,'New Chindh,Lancashire; cottenemanufacturers--Taylor and Lawton,. Manchester, sutveyors-LOokwood, and .Stockilale, Is:irkburton, Yorkshire, fancy-. wais.tcoating-emanufacturera - Ellis , and CM. Acniingtors, cotton-manufacturers; as far as regards JeWeitall, J:.OreenwOod; and ...Hughes and Son,Manchestee, machinists•' as fat as regards J. Huglies-The Hay Heed .Limestone Company, Ray-Head, Walsalli.Staffordshire-Broadwith and CO. 'Leeds, ..brick-mskers-Fen- Witlebnd Co. blorpeth,'breiveni-Percival and Housefield; Sheffield,coach-proprie- terV-Chadwick and Co- Boltdo. Lancashire, iron-founders ; as far, as. regards. T. YotkJaSykes add-Andresi, fitekkport, iroiiiiiimgern-Sfunnier3. and . CO. Southampe ton, engineers ; as far as regards W. Baldock-Nolda and Co. Crown Court. Cheap- side, 'commission-agents and W. Clegg, Heywood, Lancashire, cottomspinners -:-Sussinann mid Priestley Brothers, Huddersfield, .cotton-warpeinakers ; as far as regards L. Priestley-Stokes and Co. Mill Wall,. Poplar, naphtha-manufacturers- Oxleys and Co. London, and Oxley and Co- Liven-soul; as far as regards E. Oxley. BANERUPTS.,--NICOLAS MAISCM DAY and Some Teareita, Emilia" Row, machine- makers, Sept. 7.-Oct. 11-: solicitor,;West, Charlotte ROW eollicial assignee, Whitmore, Liasinghall St. AllANS HUNTER; Woodstock, draper, Sept. 2, Oct. 9; solicitor, Billing, King Street, Oheapside ; official . assignee, Canaan. Aldermanbury -Jona JOSEPH WHITING; Cambridge, apothecary; Sept. 4, Oct- 13: solicitor, Wilkin, Furnivars Inn; •-• official assignee, Whitmore, Basingball.Street--Jaure NFEBEET; Albion Place, Blackfr lays Bridg,e, m an tle-m.anufacturer, Sept. 4, Oct. 13; solicitor, Jones, Sise Lane ; official assignee, ,Whitmore; Basinghall Street -Joatelliteee, Devonshire Street, Is- ington, stock-broker, •Sept. 4, Oct. 18: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official-assignee, Canaan; Aldermanbury-eWiLLIADI FLEXILLE jun. High Street, Kensington, 'corn-merchant, Sept. 6, Oct. 3: solicitors, Linklaters, Si*: Lane; Official assignee; Edwards; Sambrook Court-eSAmum. HORTON, POTUI1511 Place, _Edg- y are Road, builder, Sept: 11, Oct. 14: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official as- signee.; Nicholson, Basinghall Street -,GZOR6E WEED. Shoreditch; cheesemone•er, Sept; 6, Oct. solicitors, Ashurst and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee. Stanefeld, BaSinghall Street -JOSEPLIWINDLE Corn. Birchin Laee, merchant, Sept. 6, Oct. solicitors, Linklaters, ise Lane ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-CHARLES Heves, St. Bettet's Place, Gracechurch Street, broker, Sept. 6, Oct. 6: solicitor, Burrell, Whitellart Coknrt, Lombard Street; official assignee. Graham, Coleman Street. Winner, Rood Lane; ship.owner,Sept. 6, Oct. 12: solicitor, Wilkin, Furnival's inn;- offieial assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Sons PATERSON WATERSON, Alex- andit Terrace, Westbourne Park Road, builder, Sept. 6, Oct. 6: solicitor, Chauntler, Gray's inn Square ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street- JOHN Cr,Anire, Bel- vedere Road, Lambeth; butcher, Sept. 6, Oct: 6.: solicitor, Pearce, Giltspur Street ; 'official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-CnAmes Grieve, •Birmingliam, sic- tualler;-Sept. 4, Oct. 2: solicitors, Payne, end Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assig- nee,.,Bittleston, Birmingham-WOMIAN ALDER VINCENT, Wolverhampton, minter, Sept. 6;Oct: II:.-solicitors, 'Bolton, Wolverhampton; Wright, Birmingham ; . official assignee, Bittleston, BiresingliaMeLJoner CritAimn; and ROISERT Wiemay, Leicester, curocrs, Sept. 5; Oet.:2 t Solicitor, Hodgson; assignee. Harris Nottingham -WILLIAM .WALLEII. juthor, Chesterfield, iron-founder, Sept, ist, Oct. ldc solicitor, Feniell, Sheffield ; official designee, Brewin, Sheffield-lIowann BUSBY Fox,„Liver- poolpinetal-broker, Sept. 4;27.: eolicitors, Anderson and Conine, Liverpool; official asrgneh, Morgan, Liverpool...Joss:en ROBINSON. Nantwich, brazier, Sept...17e 29 : so- licitor, Reece, Birmingham; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. Ihrrinsur ns,--113C pt, -16,11,a Score, Bank Charnbersq Lotribury, stock -broker-eSept.21, Ramsay, Kensington Park Terraee, Notting Hill, builder-Sept. 18, Carter, Murray • rztreetedfoxton, baildere-SePLyclias,iGreat Place„Gteximates Field*, pack- ing-case-manufacturer-Sept. 25, Hearn, Stangate Witarf,1:Ltimbeth,, Cartier, and Bainbam, brick-maker, CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Sept. 15, White, Watford, sheep-dealer-Sept. 15, Triggs and Co. South- ampton. upholsterers -Sept. 15, Clark, Thornton Heath, Croydon, victualler-Sept. 13, J. and W. T. Purdy, King's Lynn, builders-Sept. 15, Squire, Bond Street, coacb-builder-Oct.11, Wallen junior Laurence Pountney Lane, architect-Sept. 19. Driscoll, Cardiff, potato-nierchaiit-det.9, Barton, Bagley, Worcestershire, builder.
SCOTCH SEQEESTRATION.-Marianski, 'Hamilton, travelling merchant. Sept. 5.