The Cork journals are full of stories about the organization
of the Fenian. It is said that the youth of the county are drilling themselves, under the plea of playing foot-ball. They go to lonely spots on Sunday, and then go through regular drill, under the instructions of retired non-commissioned officers, break- ing when noticed into groups engaged in a harmless game of foot ball. They have no muskets of coarse, and drill with sticks, but allege that they have plenty of arms ready when the hour shall arrive. It is said that Government is rather tired of tole- rating this dangerous play, and is about to take "steps," such, for instance, as seizing the arms which American sympathizers may have sent over. It may be as well to give the deluded lads a check before they do any act requiring the application of force, but the true way to destroy Fenianism is to neutralize British North America.