26 AUGUST 1899, Page 1

A matter which has been a good deal under discussion

during the past week is the allegation that our Government is raising its terms, and that they would not now be content with Sir Alfred Milner's minimum and general conditions. We -do not believe a word of it. If the Boers to-morrow loyally and sincerely conceded the terms asked for at Bloem- fontein their concession would be gladly accepted. But though as long as peace is maintained Sir Alfred Milner's proposals remyin open, the Boers must remember that those pio#Csali will be absolutely wiped out by the beginning of

hostilities. If we are forced to send an ultimatum to Pretoria, and if that ultimatum is rejected, and we begin to take military measures the situation is entirely revolutionised, and we start with a clean sheet. The Boers must remember this, and if they mean to yield to Sir Alfred Milner's proposals, must not defer their yielding till too late. They must also remember that they are not now dealing with Mr. Gladstone and Lord Derby, or with a public opinion hypnotised by the Midl othian speeches. A propos of these considerations we must add that a thousand men sailed this week from Gibraltar, and another thousand from Southampton, and that the Boer ammunition is being detained at Delagoa Bay, and will be detained at all costs. These precautions are not, of course, war, but it would be idle to represent them as without significance.