THE interest in South-Eastern Europe has shifted for the moment from Czechoslovakia to Hungary. The visit of the Hungarian Regent, Admiral Horthy, and his Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, to Ber:in is in progress as these lines are being written and whatever change of balance it may produce in international relations is not visible yet. That Hungary is being assiduously wooed by Germany is obvious, but Admiral Horthy is not the man to become clay in anyone's hands. It is significant that Admiral Horthy should have given his assent to the agreement concluded on Tuesday at Bled between the three Little Entente Powers and Hungary, whereby Hungary's right to rearm, in spite of the provisions of the Treaty of Trianon, is recognised, and Hungary and the other three States renounce all use of force in their relations with one another. The value of the agreement is mainly psychological. Hungary is in fact rearming and no one is more likely to stop her than anyone was to stop Germany ; ,and the use of force as an instrument of national policy; as definitely renounced by all four States when they sigr 1-1 the Briand-Kellogg Pact eleven years ago. It is to be obst • ved, moreover, that the new agreement has only been initiAlled, and will not be formally signed and ratified till agreement has been reached between Hungary and each of the Little Entente States on the treatment of Hungarian minorities.
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