26 AUGUST 1955, Page 27


Mentioning my earlier remarks on water divining and the use of the pendulum, an- other letter from a friend who lives in Donegal goes on, 'I have seen sex-determination by the pendulum. The scientist's explanation of the inexplicable is always the magic word "coinci- dence." A fish locally called garvan has bones which are green, brittle and poisonous. People often used to get a bit of bone into hand or finger. The fragment would then work its way to some other area. The remedy was a dried tongue of a fox tied to the point of entry. I saw a fox tongue tied to the finger of a boy who had been in agony for a fortnight and the fish bone came out in five minutes. I have told this cure to dozens of doctors whose invari- able reply is "Coincidence." Again, consider prophetic dreams. The human race must have experienced this phenomenon billions (not millions) of times. While bigger scientists (such as Freud) studiously avoid it, the lesser lights say "Coincidences!" ' Is there a scientist in the house and can he explain why we have so many coincidences?