THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL has had a very poor reception for his
directive about political broadcasting which replaced the gentlemen's agreement with the BBC. The only support for his policy of extending his control is from the Sunday Express. As it has long been a commonplace at Westminster that politicians praised by the Sunday Express's commentator, Cross-Bencher, have been given the 'kiss of death,' its support may only make Dr. Charles Hill nervous. As well he might be! Dr. Hill has made the disastrous mistake of allowing himself to be responsible for the Party Whips' decisions, not only on political broadcasts but on technical details, such as the placing of 'commercials' in programmes. A storm is brewing on the whole subject of State control over broadcasting. Dr. Hill will have to show himself even craftier than his enemies believe if he is to escape being jettisoned, along with his ridiculous regulations, when the Government plans founder.