26 AUGUST 1972, Page 23


Sir: Frank Field's article on homeless single people rightly stresses the urgency of the need for short term reforms. There is a great danger that the wide-ranging debate both in Parliament and among the voluntary organisations will burn itself out having failed to pin immediate responsibilities to specific government departments.

I should like to pick out •the imminent problem likely to be created 'by the redevelopment of part of the south bank of the Thames in the London Borough of Southwark. The Department of Health and Social Security has been told that a possible loss of one sixth of London's common lodging hot .es may result. This should be made the ' crunch ' issue: the DHSS must guarantee to replace at least the number of beds lost, should the new development fail to provide them.

John Kingsbury

Campaign Director, Outset, 30 Craven Street, London, WC2