Wilt of the week
Mr Harold Isadore BERENS, of 3 Parldand Court, Addison Road, London W14, the music-hall comedian, who became a national celebrity for his per- formances on the popular wireless pro- gramme Ignorance is Bliss, on which he was know for his catchphrase 'Wot a Geezer', died on May 10th last, aged 92, leaving estate valued at £179,176 gross, £147,306 net. He left £1,500 to the Jew- ish Blind Society, with the wish they erect a plaque at the Day Centre at 91 Stamford Hill in memory of his parents Leah and Samuel Berens, £1,000 to the Water Rats Charity Fund, and his mem- orabilia relating to show business together with his gold chain with Water Rats emblem and his Rats collar to the Grand Order of Water Rats.