WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 24.—Royal Reg. Horse Guards : Sec. Lieut, Hon. AV. F. Cowper.. from the Ceylon Reg. to be Con by purchase, vice It. S. Gascoigne—tith Dragoons Serj. F. DI'Dowell. to be QUarinaS. vice Dickinson, dec.-7th Light Dragoons : Lieut. C. Tower to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sir S. II. Stuart, who retires ; Cur. P. '1'. H. Wykeham to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Tower ; Serj. Maj. T. Paterson to be Adj. with the rank of Con vice Tower-10th Light Dragoons : Lieut. W. 0. Ward, from 12th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Vandelenr, who exchanges-1st Foot : Ens. J. G. Wilson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice W. M. Mackenzie, dec., F.. Wetherall, Gent, to be Ens,. vice Wilson-12th Foot : Lieut. G. Vandeleur, from 10th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut.. vice Ward, who exchanges-241h Foot : Assist-Sur. P. Fitzpatrick, from half-pay Slat Foot, to be Assist.-Sur. vice O'Toole, retired upon half-pay-25th Foot : Lieut. W.• Dean, from Retired List of 1st Royal Vet. Batt. to be Paymaster, vice H. Blacleod, who. reverts to his former half-pay—Ceylon Reg.: W. Dickson, Vent. to be See. Lieut. by pur-- chase, vice Cowper, appointed to Royal Horse Guards—Album:and= : The half-pay of the linder-mentioned officers hats been cancelled from the 25th inst. inclusive, upon their receiving a commuted allowance for their commissions:—Ens. Hun. G. F. It. Harris,. half-pay unattached ; Lieut. T. J. Neill unattached; Ens.0. W. Grey, half-pur 7th Gar. Bat. ; Lieut. J. Atkinson, half-pay 95th Foot ; Lieut. H. R. Lewin,hall-pay 70th, Foot ; Lieut. H. Bouthillier, half-pay Canadian Voltigeurs Errs. T. Leweri, half-par 30th Foot ; Cor. P. N. De Carteret, half-pay 12th Light Dragoons ; Ens. N. Reid, half- pay 3d Foot ; Ens. H. Dely, half-pay 87th Foot ; Lieut. B. C. Urquhart, half-gay 71st.
Foot. E. Noel, half-pay unattached; Lieut. W. H. Bourne, half-pay 21st. Foot u Ens. C. T. Williams, half-pay 92d Foot.