26 DECEMBER 1829, Page 13


The Right Hon. and Rev. Lord W. Russell; M. A. has been instituted by the Lod Bishop of Lincoln, to the Rectory of Eastmanstead Cheyneys, in the county of Bucking- ham, oil the presentation of his Grace the Duke of Bedford—The Rev. H. C. Tompson, B.A. has been instituted to the Rectory of Woodstone, in the county of Huntingdon, on the presentation of Mrs. Tompson, of Round Coppice, Bucks—The Earl of Fits- william has been pleased to present the Rev. E. P.. Theed to the Rectory of Melton, near Peterborough, vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Lowe—The ltev. W. Hicks,. M.A. of Magdalene College, has been institnted by the Lord Bishop of London 10 the Rectory of Stormer, Essex, on the presentation of his Grace the Duke of Rutland— On the ltlr inst. the Rev. C. Fisher, M.A. was instituted to the Rectory of Dolton, in. Slidulk, On the presentation of the Rev. G. Anguish, of Somerleyton Hall. THE UNIVERSITY. og FORD, December 24.—On Sunday last, the 20th inst. M. G. E. Heathcote was ad- mitted actual Fellow of New College—On Tuesday, the 22d, the Rev. J.Menzles, M.A. and Scholar of Corpus Christi College, was admitted Probationary Fellow of that Society.