The Government of the Netherlands has projected some restrictions on
the press, and the Chamber of the States General have in conse- quence opposed the measures of the Minister of Finance. The pro- posed decennial budget was rejected ; while the annual budget was carried by a majority of—one !
By the latest accounts fromMexico, all was quiet ; and the rumou of a second Spanish invasion has melted into thin air.
By the German mail which affived this morning, there are accounts from Berlin of the 12th instant ; by which it would appear that the retirement of Count Capo d' ISTRIAS is resolved on, and that a mo- narchy is to be created in Greece.
By accounts from the Hague we learn, that in consequence of the rejection of the decennial budget and the withdrawal of the annual budget by the Minister, the King has sent a message with two projects of temporary laws, to provide ways and means. The debate on these laws is fixed for the 23d.
The following is an extract of a letter from Lloyd's agent at Fal- mouth, received this morning.—" The Sprightly, arrived here, forced the blockade into and out of Terceira; which she left on the 10th inst. Captain NEWTON reports, that Count VIILLA. FLOR and the islanders were in excellent spirits, capable of continuing a good defence on all sides, and satisfied that the troops of Don MIGUEL would never again attempt a descent on their shores."
A letter from a correspondent at Manchester states that the silk trade in that town is going on favourably. "Work is in abundance, at least all the weavers in the town and its vicinity are fully employed ; and numbers of families in the same trade are weekly importing them- selves into the town from Dublin, where the silk manufacture is in a declining state."