The absence of Sir Robert Peel from the grand Tory muster at Birmingham, last week, is a source of extreme annoyance to the party. Two gentlemen were deputed to wait on him at his residence near Tamworth, to repr .sent the importance of his giving a sanction to their proceedings -by his presence. They were riot satisfied with one refusal ; they tarred all night, renewed their solicitations in the morn- ing, but received be same answer. It is worthy of remark, that Sir Robert Peel has a ade no public appearance since the close of the last session. We have no doubt that he stands in awe of O'Connell's threatened exposure, wWeli still hangs over him, and which the least provocation on his 1 art will assuredly 'bring down. Sir Robert is too thin-skinned not to dre rd the showing-up which Wellington would endure without shrinking.