26 DECEMBER 1846, Page 18


Vocal Scores; edited by John "Allah, Professor of Music in King's College, London.

This publication, which originally appeared in numbers, has now been formed into two volumes; one consisting of sacred, the other of secular music. Each volume is a separate and distinct work independent of the other; the preface, which is common to both, being prefixed to each. They are valuable and interesting collections, containing a large body of the most classical compositions, both of ancient and modern masters, for the church and the chamber, from those of Palestrina on the one hand, and the great Italian and English madrigalists on the other, down to the most eminent of our own English and foreign contemporaries. Mr. Hullah has not sacri- ficed to the ignorance and sloth of the present generation. He has written all the vocal parts in their proper clefs; considering that those who grapple with music of so high an order ought to have a competent knowledge of the art. He has not, however, pedantically adhered to old and exploded notation, but has adopted the plan of translating (as he properly calls it) pieces written in three or four minim time into the time of three or form

crotchets; having found by experience that this change conduces greatly to clearness, without in any degree affecting the correctness of the text. In the ancient music, he has likewise added marks of expression not in use in the days of the composers. The responsibility of these he takes upon himself; and an inspection of his pages will show their propriety and use- falness.