Grand Fantaisie, et Variations brillantes sur des Airs Ansericains, pour
to Pianoforte; par Henri Herz.
Patel; with Introduction and brilliant Variations, for the Pianoforte; by Ricardo Linter.
Herz was long the chief of the modern executive school, the grand object of which is the splitting of a note into the greatest possible number of demisemiquavers in a given time. He has been beaten on his own ground by rivals who also possess higher qualities; and his music has lost its vogue, in this country at least. Hem is now, however, astonishing brother Jonathan with his manual prowess; and very probably these brilliant varia- tions on American airs will contribute to his success. The national ditties will sound sweet to Yankee ears, if they can extricate them from the mass of notes in which they are enveloped.
Mr. Linter's variations on "Festal," a simple and melancholy Russian sir, are sufficient*, brilliant, and good exercises for the hand; but nothing can be more at variance with the style and expression of the theme.