A meeting was held in the Town-hall at Oldham on
Monday, in compliance with a requisition signed by two hundred and twenty persons, comprising many of the neighbouring magistrates, gentry, and clergy, to consider the proper steps for forming parks and places of recreation. Government have already granted 1,0001. towards this object.
The Builder says that the site for the Wellington Statue is still in doubt. The excavation recently made in the space behind the Horse Guards was merely to as- certain the fitness of the soil for supporting the necessary foundation; and other accounts say that owing to the presence of land-springs the site is deemed unfit to receive so enormous a weight. We have been informed that two operations were performed by Mr. Liston, at the University College Hospital, on Saturday last, while the patients were under the stupefying influence of vapour of ether. The one was amputation of the leg, the other, evulsion of the nail of the great toe. The vapour of ether was in- haled by means of a proper apparatus, and when it had produced its full effect the operation was speedily performed. Neither of the patients knew, when they recovered from their stupor, that the operation had been performed. Mr. Liston observed, that the vapour of ether had been used for a similar purpose in America, but only in minor operations, such as the removal of tumours, &c. We hope to have further particulars on this very interesting subject.—Medical Times.