The English Funds have improved nearly per cent; our closing quotation to- day being to that extent above those of last week. The principal cause of this advance is to be found in the forced closing of the account of a speculator, who had sold 180,000/. Stock, the repurchase of which has produced the upward movement referred to. The foreign exchanges still continue heavy; though, from the advanced period of the season, the importation of corn from the Continent cannot be extensive, and the export both to France and Belgium must tend to obviate or neutralize any effect which might otherwise be thus produced upon the currency. The large and increasing imports from the United States, which, though temporarily checked by the stoppage of the canal navigation, will be re- sumed in a few weeks, must at last tell upon the exchanges, and render bullion a profitable article of export to America. Great as the importation of food from America has recently been, there seems every probability of its continuance; as prices here are still advancing, and the demand for Ireland increasing. Various rumours, as to the means by which the Irish expenditure is to be provided for, abound, and will be current till the meeting of Parliament. It appears now to be generally believed, that the surplus revenue of 1847 will be applied to liquidate this item of charge, and that no loan or extensive issue of Exchequer Bills Will be required. In the Foreign Market, the business has not been more extensive than usual; although circumstanced have occurred, which, had the enterprise of the specula- tive portion of the public been directed to Stock instead of Railway operations, would have attracted attention to and produced large business in more than one of the current varieties of Stock. The announcement of the payment in regular course of the dividend due on the 1st proximo upon the Portuguese Three and Four per Cent Stock, when such payment was considered almost impossible, has produced no permanent effect. On the first appearance of the advertisement announcing payment, the price of the Four per Cents rose to 40*; at which quotation only one bargain occurred: the range has since been from 88 to 39*, and the market has been and continues heavy. By the last arrival from Rio Janeiro, advice was received of an advance of nearly 5 per cent in the local Stock. A movement, though not to a corresponding extent, has occurred in Brazilian Stock in this market; the few transactions entered into since the arrival having been at an advance of from 1 to 2 per cent. The other Foreign Bonds are generally firmer. The Railway Share Market is generally firmer, and a change for the better is observable. The speculators are still busy with the Birmingham and Oxford Junction, and have forced the price up about 11. per share. Negotiations haws commenced between the North-western and North Staffordshire Companies, for the leasing or sale of the latter line to the former company. A rise of nearly 2/.. has consequently occurred in the shares of the North Staffordshire. The French Shares are generally rather firmer; though no revival of business has occurred in them. The Belgian Shares are without any symptom of advance; the local commercial pressure operating to prevent any rise in price either in the Home or Foreign markets.
There is no change in the prices, or business of importance occurring either in the English or Foreign Funds. The Railway Share Market is firm; the trans- actions have as yet been limited to the following. In almost every case the quo- tations of Thursday have been supported, and in some exceeded: Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 2f ; Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Dudley, 6/; Birming- ham and Oxford Junction, 111; Direct Northern, 21 f ; Eastern Counties, York Extension, 3f ; 'Ely and Huntingdon, 16; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 171; North-western, 195/ ; London and York, 2; Midland, New, 7; North British Extension, 11; Ditto, Ditto, Thirds, 81; North Staffordshire, 94; York and Selby Extension, 8911
The English Funds clew at the morning's quotations. In the Foreign Market the little business transacted has been at rather higher prices; and we have to no- tice a trifling improvement in Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, in both varieties of Spanish Stock, and in Mexican Bonds. The transactions in Railway Shares have been extensive, and prices are generally advancing. Indeed, the appearance of the i
market today s better than it has been for a very long time. These remarks must be taken as applyingsolely to the English Shares; the transactions in the Foreign va- rieties having been few, and the advance in price unimportant. Aberdeen, 2545; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 21 3; Bristol and Exeter, New, 61 1; Caledoman, 241 I; Chester and Holyhead, 251; Eastern Counties, 231 3; Ditto, New, 71 1; Ditto, York Extension, 31 4; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 78; Great Western, Quer- ter-shares, 171; London and North-western, 195 61; London and Brighton, 59/ 1 1; London and Blackwell, 81; London and South-western 681; Midland, 129 8 91; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 104; Scottish Centre], 21 f 2; South- eastern and Dover, 40; Ditto, New, No. 1,241; Ditto. New, No. 4, 3; York and Selby, 811; Dutch-Rhenish, 41; Great Northern of France, Constituted, loi, 11; Orleans and Bordeaux, 81; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 81 1; Sambre and Meuse 41.
3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 861 71
Ditto for Account ... • ex div. 941 Dutch ai per Cents 60} 1} 3 per Cent Reduced 94f } Ditto 4 per Cents. 921 3} 31 per Cents 951 6 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 24 i
Long Annuities 91 New Grenada 19} 20} Bank Stock 205 206 PortngueseNew 5p. Cts. 1841 38 39 Exchequer Bills prem. 8 12 Ditto 4 per Ceuta 1845 39 40 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 111 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 8 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 261 t Belgian 4} per Ceuta 914 61 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37} 81 Chilian 6 per Cents 95 97 Venezuela 39 41 Columbian ex Venezuela ... 15
BANK OF ENGLAND, An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week coding on Saturday the 19th day of Dec. 1818.
Notes Issued E28,413,0v0 Government Debt ...... £11,015,100
Other Securities 2,53345139 Gold Coln and Bullion 11,943,510 Sliver Bullion 2,489,498 E26,413,000 £28,413,000
Proprletors'Capital £14,513,000
Rest 3,440,884
Public Deposita* 10,817,743
Other Deposits 7,413,703 Seven Day and other Bills ... MAD £38,325,769 £36,328,769
• Including Exchequer. Savings Banks, Commissioners of NationalDebt &Dividend Accounts.
Government Securities, (in- cluding Dead WeIghtAnnuitylE12,807A17 Other Securities 13,904,284 Notes 8,884,446 Gold and SilverCoin 749,823