26 DECEMBER 1874, Page 1


TTIHE Berlin Metropolitan Court delivered its sentence on Count 1 Arnim on the 19th inst. The tribunal acquitted the accused of criminality in detaining Prince Bismarck's scolding letters, as " rebukes and admonitions belong to the recipient ;" and of _abstracting documents, there being no evidence that he had wilfully abstracted any ; but found him guilty of " a breach of public order" in conveying thirteen most important and secret papers from Berlin, whither he bad taken them from Paris, to Carlsbad. They thdefore sentenced him to three months' im- prisonment, the month of preliminary arrest to be counted as part of the time, and to pay the costs of the suit, which amount, it is now stated, to £450. The Count loses neither rank nor honour, and he is allowed; within the- usual limits, to choose his own time for submitting to the sentence. We have commented on the decision elsewhere, but may mention here that the semi- -official papers talk of an appeal against the grounds of the judg- ment, as subversive of official discipline, but that up to Thursday evening neither party had appealed. The German national Press .considers the sentence too light, but the judgment has elsewhere been well received.