Further to the south the new and important German advance
from the direction of Wielun has occupied Piotrkow, and compelled the Russian left centre to fall back to Opoczno, twenty miles to the east. This retirement, conducted appar- ently in good order, was evidently the excuse for the wild stories of victory which convulsed Berlin at the end of last week. The withdrawal has the advantage of straightening out the Russian line, which now runs almost due north and south from the Bzura to the Galician border. As to Galicia the news is obscure, but the Russians seem satisfied that the Austrian advance is held ; and, indeed, the Serbian victory is likely to have an instant effect in this quarter, though it seems probable that the Russian forces moving against Cracow have been obliged to withdraw considerably. We may say in general of the Polish theatre that, while the Russian advance into Silesia is probably postponed for a time, there is no reason to doubt that the violent German offensive is everywhere being checked. This view is supported by the news which reaches us as we write on Wednesday of German repulses in three places—upon the Bzura, in front of Opoczno, and in Galicia.