On Tuesday the French Chamber reassembled in Paris, and the
Prime Minister, M. Viviani, made, in a speech of no little eloquence, a declaration as to the policy of France. The operative passage of the speech is as follows :—
" Since, in spite of their attachment to peace, France and her allies have been obliged to endure war, they will wage it to the end. Faithful to the signature which she set to the treaty of September 4th last, in which she engaged her honour—that is to say, her life—France, in accord with her allies, will not lay down her arms until she has avenged outraged right, regained for ever the provinces torn from her by force, restored to heroic Belgium the fulness of her material prosperity and her political inde- pendence, and broken Prussian militarism, so that on the basis of justice she may rebuild a regenerated Europe."
These words, it is satisfactory to note, are exactly in accord with the declaration made by Mr. Asquith at the Guildhall, There is going to be no weakening among the Allies.