Sra,—Your republication in your issue of October 24th of the splendid lines, " The Sea Queen Wakes," by Mr. Clive Phillipps.Wolley, has a pathetic interest at this time for all residents in British Columbia, that gentleman having lost his only son in the defence of his country when the ' Hogue' and her sister-cruisers were sunk by a German submarine. For many years before the commencement of the present war no man has shown his patriotism in a more practical manner than Mr. Wolley, who, formerly a British Consular officer, settled long since on Vancouver Island. He has been the leading spirit in a local Navy League, and at all times, both by his able pen and personal arguments, has done his utmost to impress upon the inhabitants of his adopted land the import- ance of doing their share in naval defence. The result has been seen lately, as when the 'Rainbow,' the only warship which Sir Wilfrid Lanrier's Government gave to the British Columbian coast, was required to go to sea, the volunteers raised by the exertions of Mr. Wolley and his co-workers were available to supplement the small number of bluejackets who formed her crew.—I am, Sir, &c.,