Last Sunday was marked by an explosion of anti-Austrian feeling
throughout Italy. The occasion was furnished by the anniversary of the execution of Oberdank, a native of Trieste, an Irredentist deserter from the Austrian Army who organized an unsuccessful plot to assassinate the Emperor Francis Joseph at Trieste in 1882. At several towns the commemorations were entirely suppressed by the police and soldiers because of their anti-Austrian character, while at others they were transformed into demonstrations in favour of Italy's intervention in the war. At Rome Signor Colajanni, a Republican Deputy, attacked Austria and Germany for their crimes against independence and civilization. The climax was reached, however, when Ricciotti Garibaldi, "raising himself with the aid of crutches, cried ' A voice still ringing from Caprera, where my father is buried, asks for deeds, not words. Form a committee for the promotion of the enlistment of volunteers.'"