26 DECEMBER 1914, Page 25
sentimental than is usual with such stories.—Kerns By Tarella Quin.
(W. Heinemann. 6s.)---This book has the merit of an unusual ending, but it is unnecessarily mild and uneventful, lacking in plot and in emotion.—Lockett's Lea. By Sibell Vansittart (Edward Arnold. 6s.)—Miss Vansittart's clever novel of hereditary tendencies is only marred by the inadequacy of the subordinate figurea.—The Choice of Life. By Georgette Leblanc. Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattes. (Methuen and Co. 6a.)—An introspective study of the progress of a Normandy girl in Paris. The translation is capable, but lacking in light and shade.