The Morning Post published from its Rome correspondent on Tuesday
a sketch of the career and character of the Italian Prime Minister, Signor Salandra, who took office in March of this year. He had previously been a lieutenant of the leader of the Constitutional Opposition, and was expected to be only a stop-gap. He has, however, managed to satisfy the majority which was not of his own making, and has, in fact, won general approval. A moderate Conservative before, be has dis- played in office a more Liberal spirit than that of some of his professed Liberal predecessors. He has a fund of common- sense and a quiet dignity. He has relaxed the Censorship. At the same time he has provided amply for the Army. His policy of "armed and vigilant neutrality" conditional upon the " affirmation of Italy's just aspirations " has been excellently received. No doubt Prince Billow, in his new office at Rome, will try to make Italian neutrality as little vigilant and as little well-armed as possible. It will be very interesting to see what will come of a Billow campaign if the ex-Chancellor has such an undertaking in prospect.