It is very right that the Home Secretary should be
considering seriously the introduction of legislation making it an offence to be found in possession of an offensive weapon without lawful reason in a public place, but the definition of weapon for this purpose is likely to be baffling. I noted a heading last week " Man,Murders Wife With Hatchet." It was really very wrong of him to do it with a hatchet; an implement devised for quite other uses. But you can hardly make it an offence to-be found on a country road with a hatchet in a pocket or a tool-bag. No doubt the effective words here are " without lawful reason," but if the person who intended the tool for dispatching his wife said he was going to cut down a tree, or split logs, with it who could gainsay him ? And the Home Secretary mentioned among useful objects turned to nefarious ends razor-blades. bicycle-chains, knives, scissors and bottles. The efforts of the draftsmen will be watched with interest.. JANUS.