THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON.—Last Saturday afternoon as tbe Duke of
Wellington was riding on horseback in Oxford Street, the florse stumbled, threw his Grace with great violence on the ground, and then fell upon him. Fortunately, though the accident looked very alarming, the Duke was not in the slightest degree hurt, though considerably befouled with mud.
LORD CONYERS OSEORN.—This young nobleman, the second son of the Duke of Leeds, whose death at Oxford we announced last week, seems to have fallen in a scuffle of some sort with Lord Hillsborough, in con- sequence of a random blow. Lord C. Osborn had dined out, mid spent the evening with some young friends on the evening of his death. He returned to his rooms about eleven o'clock. The rencontre with Lord Hillsborough, which is so obscurely hinted at, took place in the quad- rangle of the Court of Christ Church. The coroner's inquest which sat on the body returned a verdict of "chance medley." His Lordship was in his twentieth year, and is described as having been of a very amiable disposition, and the favourite son of his father.
Honiuni,E Daarn.—On Wednesday evening, between six and seven o'clock, a female named Ward, cook to Mr. Bolton, solicitor, John's Street Road, was found by a young man in her master's kitchen, sus- pended by her gown, near the back of the neck, from a hook in the mantel-piece. The upper part of her person was miserably scorched, her legs and feet shockingly scalded, and she was quite dead. From the situation in which she was discovered, it is conjectured that the hook caught her clothes in her attempt to take a kettle of boiling water from the fire, and, being drawn near the bars, of the grate, her clothes caught fire, and in her struggles she kicked over the boiling. water.
WIVENHOE FERRY.—A young gentleman, named Carrington, was
unfortunately drowned on the 16th, in an attempt to ford this ferry* horseback. He had crossed in the morning when the tide was out, and imagined that he might cross again in the evening when the tide was flood. A boat was launched for his rescue ; but in the hurry of the ma ment, only one oar was put in it. Mr. Carrington sunk not more than four yards from the boat.
" HEANy WET, Heavy WET !"—A porter-vat, containing six hun- dred and thirty hogsheads, the property of Messrs. Mottram, Manches- ter, burst with the pent-up liquor last week, and had nearly washed away the vat-house and drowned the labourers with its muddy torrent. After quitting the brewery, it directed its course to a pit in the neigh- bourhood, in which was a quantity of stagnant water. The contents of the pit were soon converted into very fair saleable liquor, and during some hours the people were employed in carrying it off in cans and pitchers. Beer has not been drank so cheap in Manchester since the malt-tax was imposed. FIRE.—About one o'clock on Sunday morning, an oat-rick, of about sixty quarters, and one of bay, about thirty tons, at Stoke Row, near Henley, the property of Mr. Dean, were destroyed by fire. SLTICIDE.—A locksmith, named Pagan, killed himself the other day, by cutting the artery in his left arm, Want of employment was the motive assigned. LUCKY EXEMPTION.—Last week, the wife of a tradesman, residing in Arthur Street, Edinburgh, gave birth to two sonsie girls and a thump. ing boy ; all of whom, together with the mother, are spared for a bless- ing to the happy father, who has thus escaped from the militia ballot by one triumphant swoop.—Scolsman.