WAR-0/PviCE, Feb. 22-5th Dragoon Guards : Lieut. J. 13rymer to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sir H. J. Seton, who retires; Cornet S. M'Call to be Lieut. by
purchase, vice Brymer ; L. R. Shawe, Gent, to be cornet by purchase, vice 111•Call -12th Foot : Lieut. B.. N. Rogers, from the half-pay of the 11th Regt. to be Lieut. vice K. Carew, who exchanges-16th Foot: Ens. F. Crompe to be Lieut. by pur-
chase, vice Hudson, deceased; Gent. Cadet C. Hawker, from the Royal Military
College, to be Ens. vice Crumpe-27th Foot : Lieut. W. Johnson, from the 66th ICegt. to be Lieut. vice Hutchinson, who exchanges-36th Foot : Capt. C. Ashmore, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice H. Jelf, who exchanges-37th Foot : Lieut. R. H. Creaghe, from the half-pay of the 21st Rest. to be Lieut. vice C. Short, who exchanges-40th Foot: Ens. G.Keane to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Slade, who retires ; J. Todd, Gent, to he Ens, by purchase, vice Keane-46th Foot : Ens. R. J. Edmonds to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Smith appointed to the 57th Rest. ; Gent Cadet J. T. T. Mackenzie, from the Royal Military College, lobe Ens. vice Edmonds-86th Foot : Lieut. B. .E. S. Hutchinson, from the 27th Regt. to be Lieut. vice Johnson, who exchanges-87th Foot : -vv. Boyd, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Hodson, appointed to the 1st Grenadier Guards-93rd Foot : Major H. A. Magerds, from the half-pay, to be Major, vice .J. Allen, who exchanges
-1st West India Regt.: Ens. L. S. O'Conner to be Adjutant, vice Delomel, who resigns the Adjutancy only-Commissariat Department : Deputy-Assiet. Commies.- Gen. J. Irvine to be Assist. CommissoGen. to the Forces.
FEB. 25.-2nd Regt. of Life Guards : Corp.-Major J. Wainwright, to be Regi- mental Quartermaster-lst Dragoon Guards: Capt. 3.T. Evans, from the 1st Foot
to be Capt. vice Macqueen, who exchanges-2nd Dragoon Guards : Cornet J. P. Eamon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Tobin, who retires ; F. Cholmeley, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase, vice Hickman-1st Dragoons; Hon. J. Vanneck to be
Cornet by purchase, vice Woodhouse. whose appointment has not taken pla-ce 11th Light Dragoons : Brevet-Major W. Blundell to be Major by purchase, vice Blake, who retires ; Lieut. L. M. Cooper to be Capt. by purchase, vice Blundell; Cornet T. Salkeld to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cooper ; H. Oakley, Gent, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Salkeld-12th Light Dragoons: Lieut. G. Granville to be Capt. bypurchase, vice Cunynghame, who retires ; Cornet Hon. C. O'Callaghan to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Granville; Ens. T. W. D. Wilton, from the 64th Foot,
to be Cornet by purchase, vice O'Callaghan-13th Light Dragoons; Cornet J. F. Watson, from the of the 4th Dragoon Guards, to be Cornet, vice Moilliet, deceased-16th Light Dragoons: II. Garrett, Gent, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Brooks, who retires-Ist Grenadier Guards : Ens. A. G. Lord Lovaine, from the 76th Foot, to be Ens. and LieuL by purchase, vice Law, who retires-1st Foot;
Capt., J. P. 3/acqueen, from the 1st Dragoon Guards, to be Capt. vice Evans, who
exchanges-18th Foot : Assist-Surg. G. Brown, from the 93rd Foot, to be Assist.- Burg. vice Jeston, whose appointment has not taken place--35th Foot : Ens. J. N.
Blood to be Adjutant, vice Carrie, who resigns the Adjutancy only-64th Foot: C. Is/orris, Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Peel, who retires-70th Foot; Lieut. J. Boalth, from the half-pay of the 22nd Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. vice Bender, promoted-76th Foot : Ens. E. H. Smith, from the 99th Foot, to be Ens. vice W.
H. Kerr, who retires on the half-pay of the 15th Fool: B. Wodehouse, Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Lord Lovaine, appointed to the 1st Grenadier Guards- 87th Foot : Lieut.-Col. G. L. Goldie, from the half-pay, to be Lieut.-Col. vice T. Hunter Blair, who exchanges: Major Henry Arthur Magenis, from the 93rd Foot, to be Maj.r, vice Nathaniel Henry Charles Massey, who retires upon; Lieut. J. Wood, lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Fenton, who retires ; Se- cond Lieut. C. T. Graves, to be First Lieut, by purchase, vice Wood ; C. H. Boyne, GenL to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Graves-93rd Foot : Major T. Falls, from the half-pay, to be Major, vice Magenis, appointed to the 87th Foot-99th Foot Ens. C. A. Brooke, from the half-pay of the.15th Foot, to be Ens. vice Smith, appointed to the 76th Foot-Brevet: Sir J. Cockburn, Bart. Inspec.-Genl. of the Royal Marines, to have the rank of Major-Gent. while so employed.
Memoranda -The promotion of Major R. Jones, on the half-pay of the 81st Foot, to he Lieut.-Col. in the Army, on the 22nd of July, 1830, has been cancelled, he not having repaid the difference which he received when he exchanged to half-pay.
The date of Assistant-Surgeon Poole's appointment to the 32nd Foot, is the 10th of June, 1830, and not the 29th of July of that year.
The name of the Lieutenant upon the half-pay of the 14th Foot, is Thomas Marshal Gardiner, and not Thomas Gardiner Marshall, as formerly stated.