STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EvENrco.-Tbe calm of last week has been suc- ceeded by very stormy weather, and severe losses to the adventurous Bulls, who then bought Stock at and above 80. The gloomy aspect of affairs in France, with the fall of the Funds in Paris, the spread of insurrection to Italy, and other circumstances abroad, combined with our unsettled condition at home,-these have all operated most unfavourably for the stockholder ; and we have now to report on the whole, a fall of 2f per cent. below the average prices of last week.
The Market began to give way on Saturday last ; the first price of which was 80f, but the closing price only 79. On Monday, the opening price was 791, and the closing one 79S; on Wednesday, the first price was 79f, and the last 78*; and so on, after various fluctuations, until yesterday afternoon, when, late in the afternoon, It hadreached 77*. This morning (which was also that of the February Account) the opening price was 78; and from thence, or rather from 77i to 78as it has fluc-
tuated all the morning, closing at 78 to Money has been in rather more demand than usual, but still at very low rates of Interest.
In the Foreign Market, every thing is lower, but not by any means in the same ratio with Consols. Russian Bonds were indeed offered at one moment at 90f, but are now worth 92. Brazil Stock Is at 57a; Spanish, 17i1 to R.
SATURDAY MORNING, THREE-QUARTERS PAST TwEsvE.-Consols opened at 78 to *-have been 781, 77, and are now 78 to IV. The Market very feverish. The pay- ments of differences on the accounts made up yesterday, have been hitherto made with only one instance of default of no great moment. Little or no business in the Foreign Market.
Bank Stock .... 198 199 Buenos Ayres... - Spanish.. ....• 171 I 3 per Cent. Red. 79 781 Chilian ... 20 21 Ditto, New
8 per Cent. Cons. 78f t 78 Colombian 15 16
31 per Cent. New 871 87 Danish...... • . 58f I SHARES. Consols for Acct. 78f 78 Greek....... .. 23 25 Bolanos . - Long Annuities 161 13.16 Mexican ....... 36 37 Brazilian . 56 Ex. Bills 10004 18 17 Peruvian ....... 14 15 Colun:bian . - India Bonds .... 46 Portuguese ..... 43 45 Anglo 'Mexican -
Brazilian....... 57 f Russian........ 91f 92 United Mexican 10i 11