26 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 14



February 25.-At a congregation on Wednesday last the following degrees were conferred :-Honorary Master of Arts-Lord E. A. C. B. Bruce, Trinity College, son of the Marquis of Aylesbury. Master of Arts-Rev. W. Myall, Catharine Hall. .Licentiate in Physic-NV. P. Barrett, Caius College. Bachelor in Physic-T. P. P. Marsh, Coins College. Bachelors of Arts-A. Borron. Trinity College ; H. A. Pitt- man, Trinity College (compounder); W. Borlase, St. Peter's College; W. W. W. Bowen, St. Peter's College. At a congregation on Friday last, J. Bywater, of St. John's College, was admitted the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; and the Rev. H. Cotton, D.C.L. of Christ Church, Oxford, was admitted ad eandem of this University.

On Saturday last, Mr. T. Sanders, Scholar of King's College, was elected Fellow of that Society. CLASSICAL TRIPOS, Class-Die. Kennedy, Trin.; Selwyn, Job. ; Blakesley, Trin. ; Johnstone' Caius •' Walsh, Trin.; Chatfield, Tian. ; Hoare, Job. Second Class-Drs. Whiston, Trin.; Minty, Caius; Spedding, Trin. ; Worlledge, Trin.; Shadwell, Job.; Whitehead, Joh. ,• Sheppard, Trin.; Venables, Emm. ; Dashwood, Trim ; Morison, Caius. Third Class-Drs. Fell, Pet.; Dawes, Corpus ; Evans, Qu. : Vawdrey, Job.; Swann, Emm.


On Wednesday last the followingidegrees were conferred :-Masters of Arts.- Rev. J. Hartley, St. Edmund's Hall. C. A. Heurtley, Scholar of Corpus College. Bev. W. M7. Parke, Ballot College. Bachelor of Arts-T. Case, Worcester College. In a Convocation holden the same day, the Rev. Dr. Hawkins, Provost of Oriel College, was nominated a Perpetual Delegate of Privileges, in the room of the late Dr. Blackstone.