MR. COUZENS has just finished two new mezzotint portraits from LAWRENCE, of Miss Macdonald and Mrs. Wolff. The former is, with- -.out exception, the most brilliant specimen of this style of engraving that we have seen ; it may be said, almost without exaggeration, to "make a sunshine in a shady place." In this respect it surpasses the -celebrated mezzotint of Master. Lartibton, by the same artists. The purity of the flesh tints is finely contrasted with the richness of the dress and the dark hair ; and the entire effect is forcible; yet harmoni- ous. The attitude is simply natural and graceful, and the drawing is beautiful ; in this latter respect, great credit is due to the engraver. The portrait of Mrs. Wolff is only not so strikingly beautiful as the former ; but it is more pictorial in style, and therefore makes a popular print. We have also seen another of Mr. LEWIS'S beautifully engraved imitations of LAWRENCE'S crayon drawings, of the size of life ; it is a head of the late Mrs. Fairlie, a beautiful woman' whose portrait, sketched by LAW- RENCE, has been before engraved by 11Ir. LEWIS on a smaller scale. But we have a portrait before us' which, though its pretensions as a work of art are humbler, is likely to be more universally interesting, at the pre- sent moment, than either of the fine productions we have named. It is .• a lithographic sketch by Mr. Fancy of " Mr. St. John Long, Professor of the Healing Art," as he appeared on his recent trial at the Old Bailey. We are not loungers in the criminal courts, and have never been rubbed" with Mr. Long.'s lotion, nor experienced the sanative qualities of cabbage-leaves, in our own proper persons, therefore we can- not speak to the likeness ; we trust to the talent of the artist for the truth of the resemblance. It has an anxious look, and a secretive cha- racter of physiognomy, which have the appearance of individual por- traiture.
A portrait of the Dowager Countess of Errol, beautifully stippled, by DEAN, from one of COS WAY'S miniatures, adorns La Belle Assembh;e for the ensuing month.