Hours of Adjournment-The House sat on Monday till a quarter
before two on Tuesday till half-past one ; and on Wednesday Ulla quarter before nine'till Friday, and rose at half-past one, to sit again to.day from twelve o'clock to six to take Peti. Lions on Reform.
ADMINISTRATION or JESTICE.-Bill to regulate the fees and emoluments or officers of the Shpreme Courts of India. Mr. Stuart Wortley-February 26. COLON; ES.-Petition from merchants in -Waterford,. praying for an inquiry into the.state of the island of Newfoundland. Mr. Robinson-February.28. ebrces:XCV.-Bill to repeal act 7 Geo. IV. C. 6, commonly called the Small. Note .Act ; also 9 Geo: IV: 6. 65., to restrain circulation of Scotch and Irish notes under in England. Mr. Gisborne-March 24. E FRANCIIIsc.-Stamford petition. Mr. Tennyson-February 58. Shaftesbury petition. Mr. Hume-February 28. •
PEPENDITURE.-Return of the date of all diplomatic and coesulnr pensions, avItether included or not in the return of civil or militery,officers, with the date of appointments, 'and length of service, of the several persons receiving such pensions. Dlr. Gisborne-Deferred till Marcia 8.
In el•ANn.-11laster of the Bolls-Feti tion from the Master of the Rolls of Ireland, mid to move for returns relative to a right claimed by him of appointing his own secretary ; also for returns connected with-the Court of Chancery in Ireland with a view to Reform. Mr. Shaw-Dlareh 15. • • Elective Franehise.-Pctitions respecting the. Corporation of Dublin ; also petition relating to the Galway franchise. Mr. O'Gorinan Mahon-Deferred till March 2. Tobacco.-Bill to prevent the growth of tobacco in Ireland. Mr. Warburton-
March' 10. .-
',/:or.-Copy of address moved by Lord Corry, in the Irish House' of Parliament, in the month of June, 1800 : also the names of those Peers who signed and entered any protests against the Measure of the Legislative Union of Great Britain and Irentild : also a copy of the Amendment moved by Dlr. Grey on the motion of Mr. Fill, relative to the Union Resolutions, in the Commons House of Parliament. Mr. O'Gorman Mahon-Deferred till March 2.
Nay v.-Return of the number and several ranks of the .T32,000 seamen and marines voted feethis year. Mr. flume-February 28. That it is the opinion of this; House, that the honorary offices of the corps of floyill Marines should be filled by Marine officers. Mr. Hume-March 4. - • PARLIAMENTARY Repoam.-Petition from the County of Kent. Mr. Law Bodges-February 28.
Select committee, to examine the petitions in favour of reform, distinguishing those praying for vote by ballot, and to report the same to the House. Mr. Rust- February 28.
RELIEF FOR TER Poon.-Bill for the inelosure and improvement of waste lands -and open fields in England. Marquis of Chandos-February 28. •
T4XATION.-Return of all steam vessels employed between the Isle of Wight and the coast of Hampshire, with an account or estimate of the number of passen- gers-during the last year. Mr. Barlow Hoy-February 28. Coal Duties.-To move instruction to the Committee on the Coal Duties Repeal Bill, that they have power to repeal the duty on coals exported from New-castle.
• upon-Tyne, called the Richmond Shilling. Sir Matthew Ridley-.-Deferred till February 23.
Timber Buties.-To present petition from merchants and shipowners of London, against proposed alteration in the timber duties. Mr. Alderman Thompson-De. ferred till February 28.
BANERUPT-LAWS.-For an alteration of. Corporation of the city of London.
Comnzissioners of Bankrupts.-For abolishing the fourteen lists, and establishing a court in lieu thereof. Bankers, merchants, solicitors, and wholesale and retail traders of the metropolis.
Du ma zr.ING.-For the adoption of measures to prevent. Joseph Hamilton.
FAST DAY.-For. an address to his Majesty to appoint a. Inhabitants of East Belford; of Irer. -
GREENWICH Hose's:Aro-Against contributing sixpence per month thereto. Merchant seamen of the Port of Sunderland-
lite zixn.--Cenrrehteardens-For exemption from serving the office of. Protestant Dissenters of 13andula Education.-Agaiust the grant to the Kildare Street Society. Inhabitants of earrobrown.
Parish Vestries Ael.-For the repeal. Inhabitants of Navan. Parlionients.-For holding the Parliament every third year in Dublin. Corpora- tion of Smiths or Guild of St. Loy. Duties Drawback.-Against. Soaphoilers of Limerick. Stephen Fitrgerald.-Complaining of haring been imprisoned and banished, and praying for redress. Union-Fur the repeal. Gilt, plated, and White metal operatives of Dublin. Poon-Laws.-For an alteration of. Stephen Bourne. REFORM or PARLIA31ENT.-III favour of. Freeholders and inhabitants of the barony of Clanwilliam ; Romney ; inhabitants of Stockport; city of Ely ; Alnwick ; Portsmouth ; gentlemen, yeomen, tradesmen, and inhabitants of Downton ; house- holders of Devizes, assessed to the poor and other rates; freeholders of tile comity of Kent, and inhabitants of Whitstable; owners and occupiers of land and inhabi- tants °reboring; of Stone; of Chart ; owners and occupiers of land ill the lathe of Alresford; J. Blandy, mayor of Reading ; farmers, tradesmen, and others, of Wit- tersharn ; landed proprietors, farmers, and inhabitants of Stoke St. Mary; gentle- men, yeomen, tradesmen, and inhabitants of Marlborough ; merchants, bankers, man afacturers' and inhabitants of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. • Election bliBeillot.-In favour of. Inhabitants of Leeds (Kent); Thurnharn and Debbling ; Sutton Valence; merchants, manufacturers, and inhabitants of Tod- morden and Walsden ; owners and occupiers of land in Bromley, Beckenham, Lew. ishana, and other places. SCOTLAND.-Royad Burghs-For an alteration of the system of parliamentary aadhurgh elections. Provost, magistrates, and council of the royal burgh of Jed- burgh , burgesses, householders, and inhabitants of Elgin; of Fortrose and Rose- markie ; incorporation of weavers of Glasgow ; freeholders, landed proprietors, commissioners of supply, and justices of the peace of the county of Elgin and Forres. SLAvercr.-For the abolition of. Inhabitants of IlIalmesbury ; of .Garsclen Lea and Cleverton ; .Lisburn.; Ballyclare; All-Cannings ; Etchelhampton ; Warden ; Ovingham ; Cried'; Kemney ; Independents of Clitheroe ; of Paul's Chapel, Wigan ; Unitarians of Bank Street, Bolton ; Baptists of North Bradley ; Dissenters of Pewsey
- Chapel, 1Vilts; Presbyterians of Branton ; United Associate Congregation of Mel- rose:, gentry, freeholders, and inhabitants of Pewsey ; deputies of the Protestant Dissenters of the three denominations within twelve miles of London. Praying that no infringement on West India property may be sanctioned with- oat compensation being guaranteed. Bankers, merchants, traders, and inhabitants of Dublin; merchants, manufacturers, traders, and others, of Bristol: TAXATIox.-For the reduction of. Inhabitants of High Hoyland. •
Assessed Ta.res.-Forthe repeal. Inhabitants Of Reading. • • Candle Licences.-For the continuance thereof. Candlemakers of Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehonse, and their vicinities. Coal Duties.-For the repeal. Resident householders of Watchet.-Against the repeal. Proprietors and lessees of coal-mines in Sontersetshire; Somersetshire Coal Canal Navigation Company. Cotton Goode.-For the repeal of the excise duty. Calico-printers of Dublin; merchantsonanufacturers, tradesmen, and inhabitants of Todmorden. - Hdp.-Agninst redaction of protecting duty on barilla. Inhabitants of Round- stone; . inhabitants of Half Mace and Mace on the western shores of the county of
Malt Duty.-For the repeal. Owners and occupiers of land iii Hawkhurst and of Norfolk ; inhabitants of Lenham ; Thornham ; East Peckham; Wateringbury. Post-Horse and ililedge Dui:Q.-For taking ciir the mileage and post-horse duty.; Coachmasters, postmasters, and innkeepers on the great London and Dover Road.
Steam Vessels.-Against the proposed duty on steam vessels-Gentry, clergy, freeholders, amid inhabitants of the Isle of Wight.
Sugar.-For the reduction of duty on West India produce. Shipowners of Bristol. TITHES.-For" OR alteration of the tithe system. • Inhabitants of Bradford, Devon ; yeomanry, faint ers,-and inhabitants of the Hundreds of Brannton, Sher well, Fremington, and SonthMialton, Devon ; .owners and occupiers of land of NValsoken, in Somersetshire ; of South Brent ; of Banwell ; proprietors and occupiers of land and inhabitant of Kenninghall, in the Hundred of Guilteross ; nnd of West Walton..
VESTRI xs BILL.-Against. Vicar, churchwardens, vestrymen, and directors of the poor of St. Pancras.
WAGRS.-Compliining of the low rate of. Clothweavers of Collumpton. IIEMBKSS WOO HAVE OBTAINED LEAVE OF ABSENCE.
FebrIltlry 21. Cawthorne, Mr
Dundas,- Mr. H three week
February 2:i. February 24. Penruddock, Mr fortnight F u a month Smith, Mr. A a three weeks February 22.
Wigan Ne w WRITS NOM) FOR.
Mr. J. A. Madsen Chiltern Hundreds.
AtIegtht10/1 Of IIISIYMI1pag Bill-Second reading deferred till March 18. Building Act Amendment Bill-Committee deferred till March 7. Canine Madness Bill-Read second time OH Wednesday, and committed for
March 7. • .
Coal Duties Repeal Bill-Read second time on Wednesday. Committee de- ferred:till Monday next.
Colonial Trade Dill-Read second time on Monday. Committee deferred till Mondziy next. Consolidated Fund nin-Read second time on Wednesday.
Corporate Funds Bill-Second reading deferred till Monday next.
Emigration Bill-Read first time on Tuesday.; Committee deferred till Monday
Exchequer Bills Bill-Read Second time on Monday.
Game Bill-Committee deferred till AVednesday next.
Land Tax Commissioners' Names Bill-Committee deferred till April 18. Money Payment of Wages Bill-Committee deferred till Itednesday next. Oaths before Loral Steward Bill-Committee deferred till March 4. • Pensions Duties Bill-Read first time on Tuesday ; second time nn Wednesday. Transfer of Aids Bill-Read first time on Tuesday; second time on Wednesday. Vestries Bill-Read second time on Monday.
lasmaxn.-Elections Bill-Read second time on Wednesday, and committed for March 4. ' Scorcasto.-Heritable Infeftments Rill-Read second time ou 'Monday, and committed for Monday next. ' Tailzie's Amendment, Relief, and Regulation Bills-Second reading deferrto March 11.•