The late riots in Paris have led to an event
which the people of France have earnestly called for during the last three or four months. The intention of the King to dissolve the present
Chambers was announced on Saturday,•by, M. LAFITTE, and re- ceived with universal satisfaction.
• The supplies' tvill not be voted in the present Chambers: the Ministers intend to content themselves with a vote of credit for
four months. On Wednesday, DE BERANGER., as reporter of the Commission, detailed the law of' elections: the only new feature is the fixing of the qualification of the voters at 240 franes (about 101.) of direct taxes per annum; instead of 300. The announcement of this important extension was received with sneers and laughter. It is meant, however, that where there may not be at least one out of 200 souls entitled to a vote under the new law, the proportion shall be Made up out of those who pay less than 240 francs. The whole num- ber of electors, under the new law, Would be about 220,000 under the old law the number was about 90,000. °DILLON BARROT has been .dismissed from the Prefectship of the Seine : he bad been charged with remissness of duty during the late riots, and by way of a compensation, M. BAUDE has been dismissed from the Police. The dismissal of-ihe former has been received with much displeasure by the Liberal party. Paris is now per- fectly tranquil ; and the people having a fresh topic to discuss, it will probably remain so, at least until that topic become stale. The fleurs-de-lis have all been displaced, as well as thejleur-de-lis crosses.