Ten Sermons of Religion. By Theodore Parker, Minister of the Twenty- eighth Congregational Church in Boston.
The Second Burmese War : a Narrative of the Operations at Rangoon in 1852. By William F. B. Laurie, lieutenant Madras Artillery ; Author of "Orissa and the Temple of Jagannath," &c. With Illus- trations, by Offioera of the Force serving in Burmah.
Rough Notes of a Trip to Reunion, the Mauritius, and Ceylon ; with Remarks on their Eligibility as Sanitaria for Indian Invalids. By Frederick J. Monett, M.D., Bengal Medical Staff.
The History of the Holy, Military, Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem. By John Padre, Knight Commander of the Order, and Author of " Adelais." Volumes M. and IV.
Language as a Means of Mental Culture and International Communi- cation; or Manual of the Teacher and the Learner of Languages. By C. Marcel, Knt. Leg. Hon., French Consul. In two volumes.
The Encyclopedia Britannica ; or Dictionary of Arta, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature. Eighth edition, greatly improved. Edited by Thomas Stewart Trail, M.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of MedicalJuris- prudence in the University of Edinburgh. Volume L, Part I.
Observations on India. .By a Resident there many years. [These observations are mostly political or social. In the main, they owe their interest to the character of their author, who is a combination of the ancient Cynic with our modern Cebbett. He started brimful of English social pre- judices, and was at the outset " disgusted " with the natives for dressing as they do, and especially for not wearing stockings. He had also a good many prejudices of his school against aristocracy, the Company, and powers that be or have been. He has a capital eye for an abuse, with a free, tart, racy way of expressing his opinion, which gives force and novelty to his often one.. sided conclusions. His facts, however, sometimes contradict his opinions: for instance, after censuring the Government of India for its patronage and expenditure, he lets out, that whenever we occupy a new country, natives flock into it to avoid the "extortion" of their own governments and to live in "security." The Observations on India contain shrewd remarks, use- ful hints on many matters, and form a readable volume.] Lectures on the Results of the Great Exhibition of 1851, delivered be- fore the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Second series. [l'his second series of lectures delivered at the suggestion of Prince Albert before the Society of Arts, contains a dozen discourses by eminent men, on subjects of general utility, prompted by things seen at the Great Exhibition. Manufactures predominate in the topics; eight of the lectures being devoted to them directly. Two are on the principles of form in decorative art by Mr. Wyatt, and on colour by Mr. Owen Jones ; gems and precious stones are dis- cussed by Mr. James Tennant; while Mr. Cole points the moral at the close, in "the International Results of the Exhibition of 1851."] The Belfast Queen's College Calendar, 1853. Printed by Authority of the College Council. [A variety of matter connected with the Queen's College at Belfast. Lists of professors and students, tables of fees, rules and regulations, the course of study to be pursued, with a variety of information of a directory" character, will be found in the first section. The second contains examina- tion-papers in languages, and the questions proposed in science ; while a third part or appendix exhibits the Act on which the College is founded, statutes, ordinances, &c.] Burning of the World, and the New Earth. Explained from Nature, and from the Armorial Symbols of the Sovereigns Noblea, and People
of all Nations. The Four Ages. The Origin of Sovereigns, Silver, Copper, and Iron ; and how Iron will cause the Burning of the Earth. By Robert Howard, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.S.A.
[A conception of the nature of this book and of the author's frame of mind can probably be well enough gained from the title. The contents are a strange medley of astrological and chemical jargon, with a good deal of reading per- verted into "such meaning as was never meant."] Original Poems and Lyrics. By S. N. Ebrington junior (S. N. E.) [To a considerable extent, a collection of verses that have already appeared m magazines, newspapers, &c. ; while not a few of them have been married to music.] The Little French Reader. By Mademoiselle Tiesset, Institutrice Bre- vettfie, &c. [Easy and progressive exercises on words ; each exercise exhibiting some pe- culiarity of French pronunciation, so that the pupil masters a rule of speak- ing and acquires a copia verborum at the same time. The lists are accom- panied or followed by easy reading-lessons, which exhibit in combination the words the pupil has previously learned.] Manual of English Derivation. By the Reverend John Hunter, A.M., Author of "Text-Book of English Grammar," &c. (National So- ciety's Depository.) Manual of English Grammar. By the Reverend John Hunter, A.M., r. &c. (National Society's Depository.) [The nature of these small publications is sufficiently indicated by their titles. They appear, it will be observed, with the imprimatur of the National So- ciety.]
An Aide-de-Camp's Recollections of Service in China, a Residence in Hongkong, and Visits to other Islands in the Chinese Seas. By Colonel Arthur Cunynghame, Author of "A Glimpse at the Great Western Republic."
new and more compact edition of an interesting book, which was noticed in the Spectator for 1844, page 857.] Zanoni. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart., M.P. With a Fron- tispiece.
Instructions in the Doctrine and Practice of Christianity; intended chiefly as an Introduction to Confirmation. By G. E. L. Cotton, M.A., Master of Marlborough College, &c. Third edition.
Chambers's Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. Volume
Imusritterim WoRs.
Hyperion : a Romance. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Author of Evangeline," &e. illustrated with nearly one hundred Engravings on Wood, from Drawings by Birket Foster.
[A very handsome volume.- rich externally, chastely elegant in its paper and letterpress, profuse in As illustrations. These last, nearly a hundred in number, have been produced by a mode which can only be paralleled by some of the best editions of Byron's or Scott's works, and are without pa- rallel when the number in a single volume is considered. A tour of " be- tween two and three thousand miles—out and home—has been performed" to sketch from nature the landscapes which Longfellow expressly mentions:, and to draw from German life every. living scene or person he introduces into his romance ; for although the imaginative counterpart of the romance- writer may not be found, the pictorial artist can find the class of which the poetical creation is the type. Independently of executive or mechanical ex- cellence—and the wood-cuts are very excellent merely as wood-cuts—the plan adopted gives distinctness to the natural features; but the effect of reality is more fully shown where life is the subject,—as in the illustration of Paul Flemming's visit to the German student's club.
Appended to the romance is a rapid sketch by Mr. Vizetelly of the pil- grimage made in the footsteps of Longfellow's hero, to seek out the illustra- tions in company with the artist.] Pen:mum The Coming Budget; or Notes on several Items of Taxation: the Na- tional Defences : the Militia; and Volunteer Rifle Corps.
The Gold District of New Zealand. Description of Auckland, New Zealand, and its Neighbourhood; also, Information for intending Emigrants. With a Map.
Observations on College Leases. By Charles Neste, M.A., Barrister-at- law, Fellow and late Treasurer of Oriel College.
The Isthmus of Darien Ship-Canal. By Dr. Cullen. With Maps.
A Letter to the Honourable .R. H. Clive, M.P., on the late Correspond- ence between the Lord Bishop of Exeter and the Very Reverend the Dean of Exeter. By George W. Hastings, B.C.L. Cantab., Barrister- at-law. Second edition.
The Lunacy Question, Skii. By Joseph Williams, M.D., &c. Second edition.