26 FEBRUARY 1870, Page 1


MJULES FAVRE introduced his threatened interpellation into the Corps Legislatif on Monday. His argument was two- fold. In the first place, the Ministry had not yet assured the country that the country governed. It had caused bloodshed in Paris; it had arrested 455 individuals, moat of whom were inoffensive ; it had not reorganized the National Guard ; it had, in fact, but continued the system of personal government. In the second place, the Ministry, even if honest, must dissolve the Chamber before it could be regarded as a Parliamentary government. Count Daru, the centre of the Ministry, if M. 011ivier is the head, replied to the first charge only, in a speech analyzed elsewhere, the drift of which was that the Emperor was honest ; that the Cabinet was honest ; that France was free ; and that the Government, which was per- fectly homogeneous, if beaten in the Chamber, would either resign en masse or dissolve. So great was the feeling created by this declaration made by a man incapable of deceit, that the Left forgot its own principles as to the Dissolution, and the Chamber gave the Ministry a majority of 236 to 18.