[A prize of one guinea will be given to the 'sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword .purqe..t.o _be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accePted.] .7
2. The mice in this food, I sup- pose, get all tangled up !
to. You would probably get the point if you sat on this kind of a pillow !
13. Makes a flexible shoot with 6.
14. The food to use if you spill the milk, at tea for instance ? 17. A fitting associate for the sword-fish.
19. A net may help a fisherman to land his bites, but no one hopes that of this !
21. rev. Italian poet of the 16th century.
23. " What is the odds, so long as the fire of the soul is kindled at the . . . of con- wiviality ! "
25. rev. See 4. 26. Dilatation of heart.
27. " . . . man dare, I dare." 29. rev. Paid to spin (anag.).
32. It makes a cathedral town. 33. Men of leisure after a sum- mer basking in the sun !
34. rev. Puts you back musically.
DOWN I. Done by fits and starts.
2. Being made comfortable about the end of a visit doesn't prevent stickiness.
3. Panes sent from France are to be broken up.
4. rev. Latin without adding 25.
5. Flint-111e quartz.
6. rev. See 13 across.
7. Food any idler would like !
8. Go backwards with this to get it protracted.
9. Can the end ? (anag.).
it. This horse is reared in a garden.
Thou art so fat-witted with drinking of old sack, and . . . ing thee after supper."
13. A cockney selling lettuces who cries this, will find it helps.
15. This takes a carriage in walking !
16. Vat in which cloth is boiled for bleaching.
x8. This kind of information will drug you ! 20. " Evil . . . rides post, while good ... baits."
22. Character in Shelley's " Pro- metheus Unbound.
24. Mountain-peak.
28. Whose can the end of 17 be ; 3o. Swallowing 31 will cause a shooting pain.
31. See 3o.