Sir: Your correspondent, S. Norgate. shows a petulant bias that does not make for a clearly balanced case.
The eighteen letters were paid for at sesond class rates. Surely he cannot expect the executive suite for fifth-floor back tariff.
(Seventeen second class letters posted, 'from different parts of the British Isles were all received on 27 January. A letter postmarked 22nd p.m.—Penzance is liable to late delivery than, say, one posted 22nd a.m. in York.)
For the one that took longer there maY be a valid reason for delay no more within the control of the Post Office than of anY private organisation e.g. local strikes; railway over-carrying of a mailbag etc.
Before he bursts a blood vessel he should check with the users (not the respective Post Office PROs) of the Spanish, Italian. American postal delivery service for their comments on the delivery periods he complains about.
J. G. Jolly 23 Beaconfields, Camborne, Cornwall