26 JANUARY 1850, Page 9

In the Legislative Assembly of France the bill authorizing the

trans- portation of the insurgents of June to Algeria was adopted on Thursday evening, by a vote of 416 to 203.

At last the French authorities have agreed upon a plan for dispensing with passports for Englishmen. On landing from England, the traveller will receive "a simple passé," which will serve for one month in France : -after that, or on passing through France, the traveller will be required to take out a regular passport.

According to the Paris correspondent of the Standard, the Government of Austria is negotiating the cession of a considerable part of Lombardy to the Sardinian Government, for a payment in money—of which Austria is much in want ; the Mincio: to be the boundary. It is added, that Lord Palmerston opposes the arrangement The "Author of the Revelations of Russia" communicates to the Da,* News the following extract from a letter by M. Kossuth, dated De- cember 17, 1849—"The Turkish authorities gave us notice the other day of a conspiracy against my life. But they do not venture to expel the bravoes they have pointed out."

Letters from Sydow of the 2d instant announce the sudden death of General Bern. At least this statement is given as a quotation in lettere from Vienna published by the Breslauer Zeitung. The accounts say that Bem was poisoned by the Turkish Government, to save the salary pro- mised him for military services. The whole report is discredited in Paris. The Constantinople correspondent of the National, however, had ex- pressly stated, on the authority of persons arrested at Varna, that there was an Austrian plot to a saaminate the chief refugees, and to accuse the Turkish authorities of the crime.