MORE DISPARAGEMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICERS. Lesketh, How, Ambleside, 22d January
1856. Sin—In the short interval of a week another incident has come to my knowledge—and may I hope you will make it public ?—akin to that which I pointed out in my letter of the 14th, which you favoured with insertion in your journal : it is, that the medals of the Legion of Honour, which the Emperor of the French has sent to the Crimea for distribution, are to be given for "fighting service only," (that is the expression used by my cor- respondents from whom I have the information) ; and consequently that the medical officers with the army are excluded from sharing in these honours— (honours, according to the rides of the order, no wise intended to be ex- elusive)—and with the aggravating circumstance that their exclusion is by special order from home. I run, Sir, your obedient servant, JOHN DATY.