The Tariff and its Evils. By John H. Allen. (G.
P. Putnam's Sons.)—This volume, the fifty-third of the series entitled " Questions of the Day," is a formidable indictment of the Protectionist system of the United States tariff. The writer is a shipowner, and probably this has helped him to see what the majority of his countrymen cannot or will not perceive. The American shipping trade has no reason to be pleased with Pro- tectionist theories. Mr. Allen enters fully into his subject. Most of his arguments have long been accepted here, and it is needless to analyse them. One notable fact may be mentioned, that American manufacturers sell their productions to foreign customers at a much lower price than that which they quote to American purchasers.—A kindred book on the same subject, which it treats from the historical point of view, is Tariff History of the United States, by F. W. Faussig, LL.B. (G. P. Putnam's Sons.)