On Tuesday Mr. Root, the American Secretary of State, who
is visiting Canada as the guest of Lord Grey, made a notable speech at the Canadian Club at Ottawa before a large gathering of distinguished Canadians. He dealt mainly with the subject of the present-day relations between Canada and the United States. He said that he had watched Canadian development for forty years, and had often visited the country, and that to-day he could only look with amazement at her material and spiritual progress. Every man in what- ever class in Canada was genuinely interested in politics, and eager to discuss public questions, a fact which meant a real training in self-government. America looked on Canada's progress with no jealousy, but "with admiration, hope, and gratification." Friction was bound to arise, but it need not be serious. For ninety years there had been peace, and there was every security for it in the future. We have dealt else- where with Mr. Root's speech, which was received with the greatest enthusiasm by his audience.