[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-?-Your article " Young-Carrying Birds " (Spectator, December 22nd) interests me very much. I should like to tell you of something I once saw while fishing on the River Mandel in Norway. It was during July and, I think, very early in the month. I saw four young birds—I think they were- • peregrine falcons—apparently pushed off a very high rock, probably five hundred feet high and which was close to the river and nearly, overhanging it. They were immediately followed by one of the old ones, which dropped down below the young ones and pushed them up one by one, and, after pushing one up a very short distance, dropped down again to below the lowest one and pushed that up, continuing the process until they_ were all landed safely on a ledge where, I suppose, they originally came from. The whole thing occupied some twenty minutes.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Eastfield, Leicester.