A Library List
misem.,A.0.:-Parrots and Parrot-like Birds in Avicub lure. By The Marquess of Tavistock. (F. V. White. 15s.)-The Golden Gospel. By Gabriel Scott. Illus- trated by Arnold Thornham. (13rentano's. 7s. 6d.)-- Carmina Gadelica. By Alexander Carmichael. (Oliver and Boyd,' Edinburgh. 82s. 2 vole.)--French France. By Oliver Madox Hueffer. (Berm. 10s. 6d.)- The Dutch School of Painting. By S. C. Kaines Smith. (The Medici Society. 10s. 6d.) LITERARY :-Swift's Verse : an Essay. By F. Elrington Ball. (Murray. 15s.)-John Donne : Dean of St. Paul's. Edited by John Hayward. (Nonesuch Press. 8s. 6d. and 17s. 6d.)-Austin Dobson. By Alban Dobson. (Oxford University Press. 12s. 6d.)-Virgil, The Georgics. By C. W. Brodribb. (Benn. 12s. 6d.) HisTozry :-The United States. By T. C. Pease. (Bell and Sons. 16s.)-Leaders of the French Revolution. By J. M. Thompson. (Basil Blackwell. 8s. 6d.) The British in Tropical Africa. By I. L. Evans. (Cambridge University Press. 12s. 6d.) Luther and the Reforma- tion. By James Mackinnon. Vol. III. Progress of the Movement (1521-29). (Longmans. 16s.) The Outline of Man's Knowledge. By Clement Wood. (Richards Press. 8s. 6d.)-Canada in the Commonwealth. By Sir Robert Borden. (Oxford University Press. 10s.)- The Life and Death of an Ideal. By Albert Guerard. (Benn. _15s.)-The Great Revolt in Castille. By Henry Latimer Seaver. (Constable. 24a.) BIOGRAPHY :-Soldiers' Tales. Edited by The Hon. Sir John Fortescue. Adventures in the RifleBrigade (1809-1815). By Captain Kincaid. (Peter Davies. 7s. 6d.)- Adepts in Self-Portraiture. By Stefan Zweig. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. (Allen and Unwin. 12s. 6d.) Speeches and Addresses of his Highness Savaji Rao III. Maharaja of Baroda.. (Macmillan. 158.),--Herber/ Hoover. By Will Irwin. (Elkin Mathews. 12s. 6d.)- The Life and Uncommon Adventures of Captain Dudley Bradstreet. Introduction by E. H. W. Meyerstein. (John Hamilton. 10s. 6d.)-Voltaire. By Victor Thaddeus. (Brentano's. 21s.)-Mary, Wife of Lincoln. By her niece, Katherine Helm. (Harper. 16s.) Archbishop Davidson and the English Church. By Sidney Dark. (Philip Allan. 8s. 6d.) NOVELS :-Portrait in a Mirror. By Charles Morgan.
. (Macmillan. 7s. 6d.)-Moses. By Louis Untermeyer. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.)-Three. By Pamela Frankau. (Hurst and Blackett. 7s. 6d.)-The Seven Dials Mystery. By Agatha Christie. (Collins. 7s.
The Golden Plough. By Oswald Harland. (Knopf. 7s. 6d.)-Pall Serroll. By. Mrs. Archer Clive. (The Scholartis Press. 7s. 6d.)-Mystery at Grimsdak. By Edward Frankland. (Sampson Low. 7s. 6d.) Peril; By Lloyd Osbourne. (Heinemann. 7s. (id.)