Shorter notices
An Encyclopaedia of Parliament Norman Wilding and Philip Laundy (Cassell 84s). The third revised edition of this excellent parlia- mentary reference book claims to have been brought entirely up to date—though not enough to stop Lord Malvern referring, in his fore- word, to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland as 'this young and enthusiastic member of the Commonwealth.'
The Bridal Canopy S. Y. Agnon (Gollancz 35s). In the picaresque tradition, a tedious series of adventures, stories and Hassidic meanderings loosely attributable to the quixotic Reb Yudel, a small pious East European Jew with a propensity to chatter, quote the Torah „and land himself in occasionally comic situa- tions. A curious book, Jewish to the last intensely banal anecdote, Chaucerian in its warm regard for detail.
Musical Instruments and their Symbolism in Western Art Emanuel Winternitz (Faber 6 gns). A fascinating study, of equal importance to the history of art—particularly for ,dating —and of music. Expert and illuminating icono- graphy with a superb collection of reproduc- tions.
Seven Old Testament Figures Geoffrey Bell (Bles 8s 6d). 'He has written for an anxious and younger generation,' says the -Bishop of London in his foreword : the younger genera- tion, despite Mr Bell's delightful sketches, will remain anxious.