26 JANUARY 1974, Page 4

Scottish interest

Sir: It is becoming increasingly obvious that the people of Scotland will be faced with a dilemma in 1974. A three-day working week may mean a tightening of the belt in the prosperous south-east of England. In Scotland it means the end of the road for many small and some not so small Scottish businesses. Who can be blamed for this disastrous economic situation? I do not think it is any good blaming the miners. Their wage demand is modest if not infinitesimal in comparison with the fantastically high profits being made by property speculators, in comparison with the sums to be spent on Maplin, the thousands of millions of pounds already spent on Concorde, Polaris and our farcical EEC membership. If this is what partnership with England has brought us, bearing in mind their superior economic know-how (?), there is no wonder that many hundreds of thousands of Scots are having to take an agonising reappraisal of our union with England. If a tiny communist minority is to rule England, is it not high time that we broke the bonds?

Scotland's oil will act as a basis for the foundation of Scots prosperity. If it is usurped by England and squandered we will continue to be cast in the role of beggars holding out a tartan begging bowl. But Scotland, on its own, has a magnificent future. Allied to England it is difficult to see any future for us other than a dreary economic run-down with a three-day, two-day or even one and a half day working week. With all the economic distress which such enforced holidays will bring us all. Scotland's oil will make England great again — if the people of Scotland are daft enough to allow it.

Winifred Ewing The Vice-President, Scottish National Party, 52 Queen's Drive, Glasgow