26 JANUARY 1974, Page 4

The unthinkable

Sir: The question has been posed to Mile now a number of times: "Is Mr 14eat.,,, intent on ruining the UK econonlY.t Ridiculous as this may appear at firsbe sight there does appear t° corroborative evidence. For instance, why, after spending S(30 many years cogently arguing that Iv incomes policy would be positivedy harmful,should that same man actumaay introduce such a policy? Mr Heath ";it, possibly believe that economic Wtot nesses will make us more dePerno on Europe and thus less able .0 withdraw from the EEC. ProbablY,s if itshiwsolurtnh thinking about.aobnolyutthe unthinIte' Chairman, DemocrRatiEc.CGOnSsiegrvinalu et:Iv;51 Against The Common Market, o, Andrews \vsMmansions, St AndreWs