Government and miners
Sir: It does not need any reminding that this country is now caught up by a most serious confrontation between miners and government. The Government has decided to impose shorter working hours and many inconveniences to impress upon us all the seriousness of the occasion, and to refuse any attempts to negotiate any *art of wage increase that may carry it outside Phase 3 — the sacred cow which, come what may, must not be breached. After all the bitterness and recriminations uttered by both sides, it is sometimes difficult to find a middle way and just solution. The Government must know that we are very much under the influences of supply and demand when prices and wages are fixed, and by that token, the miners very much hold the whip hand. A shorter working week, or even a total stoppage of work in the pits, can compel any government to come to terms. A general election will not solve this problem — any newly elected government will meet a body of men more determined than ever to force their demands. The whole problem must be approached from a different angle and a compromise must be found — for the Government cannot be proud of the consequences of its decision — shortages and increases in price of manufactured goods and general gloom and despondondency and anxiety over the future.
The Government is trying to con serve its stock of coal by spreading it over a longer period. This coal was produced by the miners at the cost of many hours overtime and no doubt they will remember this in future!
Are we morally justified as a nation to expect a whole industry to work overtime for as long as we want, to avoid paying the sort of wage that will attract healthy bodied young men into the pits?
One last point. The Government has, in its wisdom or otherwise, put this country into the Common Market. One of the more important aspects is the free mobility of labour between the countries. Countries like Germany and Belgium are feeling the pinch of industrial fuel, and no doubt are, like us, looking for an increased production of coal. If they approached our miners with attractive offers of pay and con ditions (which would not be difficult), a few thousand men deserting our pits would be disastrous.
Therefore we can only hope that sensible thought can be brought to this problem. At the moment Mr Heath seems to have lost all sense of direction and is being pushed along by men who think the tough method is the right one. Let us hope they will think again.
A. G. Morling Heather Close, Thurston, Byrt St Edmunds, Suffolk