26 JULY 1845, Page 10



The transactions in the English Funds have been unimportant, and the fluctua- tions trifling; the purchases of the Govenunent-broker on account of the Sinking- fund being the only noticeable occurrence. The tendency of fluctuation has been downward and the closing prices of this afternoon are per cent below those of this day week.

In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock had improved, and the market W11.9 in a more lively condition than it had been for some time; but advice of a fall of

per cent in Madrid having been received this morning, a decline to nearly a corresponding extent has occurred. The other 'Foreign Bonds are nearly as us our last report.

The great causes of excitement in the Railway Share-market during the week have been the decisjpn of the House of Commons with respect to the London and, York line, and thlft of the House of Lords upon the "gauge question." The former had a most important effect upon the lines most materially affected. The: decision itself was known in the City on the afternoon of Wednesday, after the. closing of the Stock Exchange • and the Shares of the London and York line rose from 31 to 51. premium. Immediately upon the commencement of business on Thursday morning, the number of sellers appealed to predominate, and a large amount of business took place between di and 41 premium: the Shares ultimately declined to 4 premium, and have fluctuated today between k and di. The Cam- bridge and Lincoln have declined to I} premium, and the Direct Northern to 1 discount; but the latter have improved slightly today. The decision of the ques- tion. of the broad and narrow gauge did not afflet the lines to which the fiat of, the Committee more immediately applied so materially as those of the lines col- laterally affected by it: the Shares of the Oxford and Worcester rose about 11,, end those of Rugby declined to nearly the same extent. But the Great Western- Shares rose to 1451.. premium, being_an advance of from Si. to 101. upon the prices of the previous day: The Birmingham Shares are heavy, in consequence of the above decision; but we cannot learn that any business has occurred in them at the nominally reduced quotations. These Shares are more firmly held than any other securities of a like kind, and are less easily affect- ed by adverse circumstances than any other. The Shares of the Eastern Counties Railway fell nearly 21., in consequence of the decision as to the York line and are still depressed. The Midland, I ork,. and North Midland, and all the lines now in connexion with the traffic Northward and Eastward of Birmingham, are affected unfavourably. The disclosures wrung by Lord Brougham from the witnesses before the Lords' Committee upon the Great Southern and Western Railway (Ireland), though startling to the uninitiated, only disclose such tricks as have been known to be practised upon the promoters of every scheme of a like kind for years; and though we cannot call to mind any previous instances in which a pauper, chimney-sweeper, and penniless sot, were invested with the dignity:of rail- way proprietorship, we are informed that there are many in which persons totally destitute of capital and even decent means have by the personation of persons of reputed wealth, obtained as many as eight allotments of shares in one Railway Company. The minor description of French Shares have been in good demand; consi- derable ingah7 having arisen for those of the Great North of France Lafitte's Paris and Lyons, and a consequent improvement of from 10s. to 11. per share having occurred. All the other Foreign Shares are also firmer ; as are generally the markets for the lesser description of Shares. Those of the Dutch Rhenish Com- pany have risen about 21., viz. to 91. premium • and the South Midland Shares have advanced rather more than 11., having been today at 31. premium.


The English Funds are unchanged, as are the majority of the Foreign Stocks. The transactions in Railway Shares have as yet been confined to the following: Cambridge and Lincoln, 3 24, 34; South- western New, 13; South-eastern and Dover; 46; Portsmouth Direct, 6*. The decision of the HOMO of Lords in favour of the direct Portsmouth line has given an impetus to the Shares which are quoted at 4 Premium ; viz. 64 per share. From the same cause, South- eastern and Dover are depressed to 46. There doesnot seem quite so much demand for Foreign Shares this morning; the prices of most of them are nominally rather in advance of the closing quotations of yesterday : the most marked improvement has occurred in those of the Over Yssell Railway, which are quoted nearly 21. per Share in advance of yesterday's prices. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

The English Funds close at a depression of * per cent upon our morning's quotations; but this decline has not been occasioned by any important occurrence. The Foreign Funds are without material change. Considerable business has occurred in the Railway Shares since the morning, and generally at improved prices. Among others, an advance of 21. has taken place in Blackwell Shares; in consequence, as is said", of the Eastern Counties Railway Company having con- cluded a negotiation for the lease of the line; though it is not known upon what terms; the price of the Blackvrall Shares, which was 101 at the commencement of business, has since risen to 12. South Midland have also risen to 4 premium, in consequence of the continued operations of a broker who, during the last two days, has purchased nearly 10,000 fTBS. The following prices, regarding the day's business, are per share, without reference to premium or discount; Armagh and Port Rush, lf ; Birmingham and Oxford, 5; Caledonian, 101 /it Ditto, Extension, 21; Cambridge and Lincoln, 24; Chester and Holyhead, 211 4*; Chichester and Brighton, 29; Coventry and Leicester, 2; Direct Northern, 14 4; Dublin and Belfast, 24 * 1; Eastern Counties, 201; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 82 4; Ely and Bedford, 24; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 221 4; Great Western, 221 219; Hull and Selby, 1064 7; Lancaster and Carlisle, 494 50; Blackwell, 101 111 12; Brighton, 79/ 801 791; Croydon, 264 71; Portsmouth Direct, 6; South-western, 7980; London and 'York, 7 61; Lynn and Ely, 64; Lynn and Dereham, 21; Manchester and Leeds, Quarter-shares, 281 28; Manchester and Birmingham, 624 4 3; Ilidland, 186/ 2; New Midland, 401. Shares, 29 74; Bir- minoham and Derby, 143 5 14; Newcastle and Berwick, 20 1; Newark and Sheffield, 24; North British, 264 1 27; North British, New, 74 1; Oxford and Worcester, 74 8 7f; Perth and Inverness, 21; Preston and Wyre, 324; Richmond and West-end Junction, 445; Rugby, Worcester, and Tring, 0/ 1; South-eastern and Dover, 464; South Wales, 5/ 4 64; Trent Valley and Holyhead Junction 14 Waterford and Kilkenny, 21; Boulogne and Amiens, 111 11; Great North of France, 61 4 1; Lyons and Avignon, 21 3; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 111 1 1; Paris and Lyons,Lafitte's,) 34 1; Paris and Lyons, (Ganneron's,) 24 1; Paris and Strasburg, ( ' erlot's,) 24; Sambre and Meese, 74 7; West Flanders, 444; Jamaica, South Midland, 61; EaskIndian, 01; Dendre Valley, 2*; Dutch 101 94.

3 per Cent Consols

98: 9 Columbian ex Venezuela • • . 17: i Ditto for Account

994 Danish 3 per Cents 89 90 3 per Cent Reduced- •


Dutch 2: per Cents.. ex div. 621 : 31 per Cents

1021 i Ditto 4 per Cents 99: : Long Annuities

111 : Mexican 5 per Cents 364 71 Bank Stock

210: Ditto Deferred 20: 4 Exchequer Bills Prem. 54 6 Portuguese New 5 p. Cta. 1841 65 6 India Stock

Ditto 4 per Ceuta 1845 641 5: Brazilian 5 per Cents

90 91 Russian.5 per Cents 118 19 Belgian 4: per Cents.

99: 100: Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 26k f Chiliads 6 per Cents ... .....

100 2

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 371 :