There is some Foreign gossip ; but it needs few
words. The French Chambers have at last closed their session, and the Mem- bers have gone into the country,—some of the more provident Deputies to prepare for the chances of a general election this year. The insurrection in Catalonia is over ; and Concha has displayed so much ability in quelling it that the despotic Narvaez is said to have conceived a jealous fear of his coadjutor. The usual re- port about young nubile Queens is_put in circulation respecting Isabella the Second—it is said that her health will not permit her marriage. Switzerland has postponed for a year the question of remodelling its constitution. Smyrna has been visited by a fire of American extent, and one-third of the city is destroyed. India rejoices in a respite from the din of arms, while new intrigues ferment and seeth in the lull. China has signalized its Conserve tive tendencies by hustling some of the outer barbarians" here and there, just as if Pottinger had never been up the Yang- tse-kiang and made a treaty.