gbe Alletropolis.
The Lord Mayor gave a splendid entertainment to Sir Henry Pottinger, at the Maneionhonse' on Thursday, in celebration of Sir Henry's being enrolled among the citizens of London. More than fifty guests sat down to table. Among them were, Lady Pottinger, the Earl of Auckland, Sir Henry Willock, Chairman and Mr. Hogg, Deputy Chairman of the East India Company; anp DwarkaLanth Tarre tti meeting of Middlesex Magistrates, on Thursday, a county-rate of ld. in the pound was declared.
Vauxhall Gardens were put up for sale by auction on Thursday, at the Auction Mart. The first offer was 10,000/., and that was increased to 17,700/ ; at which the property was knocked down: it was not sold, however, but bought in at this sum.
A boat-race with sculls, which has created a good deal of interest, took place on Thursday. The competitors were Mr. Chapman and Mr. Wallace. They had thrice contended before: in one contest Mr. Chapman was victorious, while in the two others he fouled his antagonist's boat and thus became himself a loser. On Thursday, the course was from Putney/Bridge to Mortlake: and after a very severe race, Mr. Chapman again won, by several bait-lengths.
We have previously stated that a compromise had been aranged between the Excise and Messrs. Smith, the distillers, by which all further proceedings wouM be stayed. We understand that Messrs. Smith have paid to Mr. Goodall, the Chief Collector of the Eastern division of Excise, the sum of 10,000/., with the understanding that all prosecutions on either side shall be withdrawn; and Messrs. Smith agree to remove or discontinue the use of the rectifying-house, the primary cause of the proseention.—Horning Post. At !Queen's Square Police-office, on Saturday, Mr. Redhead Yorke M.P. for York city, was fined 40s. for allowing a great deer-hound to be at large IIDMUZ- zled. '[he dog severely bit a child a few weeks since. James Conner, a working man, has been killed, at Pimlico, by a chisel falling from a scaffold upon his head: it penetrated the brain, forcing a quantity of that organ through the wound.
An alteration has taken place in the hours during which bathing is permitted in the Serpentine River, Hyde Park: for the remainder of the season the hours will be from five to eight o'clock in the morning, and from eight to nine o'clock in the evening.
A boat belonging to a Pembroke schooner, lying off St. Katherine's Docks, was swamped on Tuesday morning, by the great swell owing to the passage of two Margate steamers, the Prince of Wales and the Isle of Thanet : four men were in the boat hauling up an anchor, and three were drowned. The steamers are said to have been going at full speed. An inquest commenced on Wednesday; and yesterday the Jury returned a verdict of Manslaughter" against Henry Forss, the master of the Prince of Wales.
On the evening of Tuesday, another fatal accident happened in the river; • off the Red House, Battersea. Six persons were about to return to London in a sailing- skiff, when two of them mounted the mast to place a flag on the top, and the boat was upset. Lockyer, a shoemaker, and his wife, were drowned; but the other four were saved.