The English Funds were heavy at the commencement of the week, and in- dications of feebleness were observable in the market. Since Wednesday, the appearance has been firmer, and the closing prices this afternoon are slightly higher than those of last week : but the transactions have been in- significant. The rate of discount continues the same. In Foreign Ex- changes, the only material variation is a decline in the rate upon Vienna of about one florM per pound sterling, occasioned by the reported negotiation of a loan in that city. Nothing definite has transpired as to the terms of the proposed loan.
In the Foreign Market, Sardinian Scrip continued depressed at between 11 and 1 per cent discount, until this morning, when an influential purchase had the effect of raising the price to par ; but the closing quotation is again lower—about 4- discount. Mexican Bonds, after being at 304 ex-dividend, (equivalent to a quotation of 311 with dividend,) have improved again, and close this afternoon at about 301. Spanish Stock of every description is lower, and the market heavy, with little business. The Russian Four-and- a-half per Cent Bonds continue steady at recent prices, though the purchases on French account have not been so extensive as usual. The other Northern European Bonds are without material change. Peruvian and South American Stocks generally are unchanged. Portuguese Bonds are rather firmer : the dividend due 1st January 1850 is now in course of payment, subject to a deduction of 25 per cent; that is, the dividend both upon the converted Four per Cent and unconverted Five per Cents, amounting to 2 per cent for the half-year in question, will be paid at the rate of 1-1 per cent. The Coupons are to be sent for payment to the Portuguese Financial Agency, Fins- bury Chambers, London Wall, on Mondays and Thursdays. The Share Market was extremely depressed in the early part of the week ; but a reaction has since occurred, the closing prices this afternoon being be- tween 2/. and 31. above the lowest. The transactions in Foreign Shares have been more extensive than usual; some considerable purchases having oc- curred for the French market, where the quotations were for some days from four to seven francs per share higher than here. These transactions have not caused any material improvement in prices ; as, in consequence of failures at Liverpool, a very large amount of French Shares were thrown upon our market, and the foreign demand was thus readily supplied. , SATURDAY TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Stocks are firmer this morning, but with very little business. The opening price of Consols was 961 / for Aloney and 964 buyers for Ac- count, and the market is now firm at those quotations. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been unimportant, and prices are nominally the same as yesterday. The improved appearance of the Share Market con- tinues, but the transactions recorded are as yet unimportant.
SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx.
The English Funds close at the morning's quotations, without the occur- rence of any transactions of importance. The business in the Foreign Mar- ket has been insignificant, the following being the record of actual bargains —Chilian, 104; Danish Five per Cents, l&41; Grenada, 16; Mexican, 301 1 1 ex div.; Spanish Active, 214; Passive,-54; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 59 / ; Ditto Four per Cents, 934; Sardinian Scrip, / 44 discount. The Share Market opened firmly, but declined before the close of business. With few exceptions, prices were from 108. to 1/. lower at 2 o'clock than they had been during the day ; this remark applies more especially to Shares in which speculation has recently. been active, the better class having been but slightly affected. The following are the principal bargains recorded— Aberdeen, 104; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 44; Bristol and Exeter, 791; Caledonian, 104; Chester and Holyhead, 16k; Eastern Counties, 64; East Lancashire, 14; Edinburgh and Glasgow, ; Great Northern, 164; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, 124; Great Western, 844; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 484; Ditto Fifths, 21; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 941 ; London and North-western, 123 4; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 26; Ditto Fifths, 16j; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C., 34; London and South-western, 84; Midland, 4011; Ditto 501. Shares, 141; North British, 64; North Staf- fordshire, 74 • Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 14; Scottish Central, 151; South-listern and Dover, 224; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 184; York and North Midland, 18+ ; Caledonian, 101., 64; Boulogne and Amiens, 101 ; Rouen and Havre, 94; Union of London, 134 ex div. 3 per Cent Consols 961 1
Ditto for Aceount ,_. i J.
3 per Cent Reduce ' 979
31 per Cents 98'1 9 Lone Annuities ....... 79 7-16 Bank Stock 214 16 Exchequer Bills 48 51 pm.
India Stock ir 263
Brazilian 5 per Cents Beleian 41 per Cents 92 4 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 105 Danish 5 per Cents 1031 4) Danish 3 per Cents 76 8
, 11111¢ch *pc! Oefits sei 60
Ditto 4 per Cehts . .. 93 1 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 301 9 Peruvian 6 per Cents 89 90 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 34 5 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1624- 86 $ Russian 5 per Cents 1121 141 Ditto 41 per Cents 1001 101 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents . 204 11
Ditto 3 per Cents 1840 381 9
Venezuela 30 2